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Dynmap signs are required to be placed on ALL SixtyGig builds or build areas as according to the rules, they are actual in-game signs placed by the player.

Sign configuration:
LINE1: [dynmap]
LINE2: What you want to display on the Dynmap (Don't forget to put your name somewhere! It's required!)
LINE3: Same as line 2.
LINE4: icon:iconname - Sign's icon, it will default to a icon on the dynmap if none is specified. If none is specified you can put additional text here.

Icon list:
- sign (Default)
- anchor
- bank
- basket
- bed
- bighouse
- blueflag
- bomb
- bookshelf
- bricks
- bronzemedal
- bronzestar
- building
- cake
- camera
- cart
- caution
- chest
- church
- coins
- comment
- compass
- construction
- cross
- cup
- cutlery
- default
- diamond
- dog
- door
- down
- drink
- exclamation
- factory
- fire
- flower
- gear
- goldmedal
- goldstar
- greenflag
- hammer
- heart
- house
- key
- king
- left
- lightbulb
- lighthouse
- lock
- minecart
- orangeflag
- pin
- pinkflag
- pirateflag
- pointdown
- pointleft
- pointright
- pointup
- portal
- purpleflag
- queen
- redflag
- right
- ruby
- scales
- shield
- silvermedal
- silverstar
- skull
- star
- sun
- temple
- theater
- tornado
- tower
- tree
- truck
- up
- walk
- warning
- world
- wrench
- yellowflag

Stats signs may be placed in the game world, with an actual sign. You can configure them to display all sorts of random stats about your player, other players, or all the players.
Sign Configuration:
LINE1: [Stats]
LINE2: Stat Type
LINE3: Track Type
LINE4: Player Name (If applicable)

Stat Types: (Line 2)
Block break - All broken blocks.
Block place - All placed blocks.
Death - All deaths.
Kill - All kills.
Move - Player movement.
Playtime - Time played in seconds.
Arrows - Arrows shot.
Xp gained - Total XP gained.
Joins - Total times joined.
Fish catched - Total fish Caught (Yes, I know it's caught.).
Damage taken - Total damage taken.
Times kicked - Total times kicked.
Tools broken - Total Tools broken.
Eggs thrown - Total eggs thrown.
Items crafted - Total items crafted.
Omnomnom - Total times had a snack.
On fire - Total times being on fire.
Words said - Total words said.
Commands done - Total commands done.
Worldchange - Total times worlds changed.
Bucketfill - Total buckets filled.
Bucketempty - Total buckets emptied.
Bedenter - Total times bed entered.
Itemdrops - Total times items dropped.
Itempickups - Total times items picked up.
Teleports - Total times teleported.
Shear - Total times sheared.
Lastjoin - The time the player joined the server last.
Lastleave - The time the player left the server last.

Track Type: (Line 3)
Global - Track the entire server
Player - Track a single player.

Player Name: (Line 4)
Only required if Line 3 is set to Player, put the player's name here. (Case sensitive!)

Example sign that would track all blocks broken by player "Rayvolution":
Block Break

/msg - Send a private message to a player.
/r - Reply to the last person who messaged you.
/me - say an emotion; /me jumped up and down = * Rayvolution jumped up and down *