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Member Since 22 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active May 15 2013 12:07 AM

Topics I've Started

Depotman Application

22 April 2013 - 10:31 PM


I'm depotman.

To start off, contrary to popular belief, my username has nothing to do with pot. It started when I was going to make an alt in WoW and tried HomeDepotMan but the character limit was too large or something, leaving one option: Depotman. I like to think the name Depotman represents a superhero of sorts. A superhero who vivaciously works to defend the honor of Home Depot and other Depot's around the world from the competitive commercial threat of Staples and Office Max. But really I just couldn't think of anything else and it stuck.

But the origins of my name are unimportant to the application...

I think the turning point of where I began questioning why I felt like a 24 year old at a playground while playing minecraft happened last night when I was in a server and read this sentence:

"Bro, i'm 16, I work at Hollister and I have a girlfriend." To which I jokingly replied, "Bro i work at abercrombie and fitch, thats so cool!" And then the whole server started talking about how cool both clothing lines were. And I died a little bit. I don't have a problem with either clothing lines, but the very conversation put me in homeroom of 7th grade.

So I searched around and found this server.

So why do I want to join?


Because it seems that no matter how many servers I go to, it always seems to be the case that I am surrounded by 12 year olds who act like.. well.. 12 year olds. It'd just be nice to be around a community of older gamers like myself (I'm 24). Also I am not really into pvp, I just like to build and chat while watching a movie or something. So it's nice that this is a non-pvp server.

I think that's everything. I'm a pretty nice guy, I joke around a lot. I like long walks on the beach and my turn offs are arrogance and people who are fake. Oops, wrong application, scratch that last part.