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Member Since 25 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2015 11:59 PM

Topics I've Started

Hello SixtyGig, this is ThatOneWh1teK1d's Application

25 April 2013 - 09:38 PM

In Game Name:



Real Name/Preferred Name:


Matthew (Matt is preferred)




Previous Minecraft experience:


I started playing during early Minecraft Beta, around 1.4-ish, continued playing on a server called "Jabacraft" for about a half a year until I lost interest. I focused primarily on schoolwork as much as my personal life. Then one day, my friend introduced me to a large economy server. I have been inactive till' late last year around September 8th 2012, so when I started playing on a server called "Desiredcraft", I couldn't help myself. I started on September 8th of last year and have been loyal and active to this very day.  I have been a Moderator on Desiredcraft (#14 server on minecraftservers.org) for around 2 months now and ever since then have really loved playing Minecraft. But as of recently, I have decided to expand my horizon and branch out to other servers that have a more mature audience. It's very difficult to enjoy your game when every few minutes you get complaints of kids griefing each other or arguing amongst something pointless. Long story short, I need a change.

Your background


When I was born, I spent most of my life in Davis in an apartment complex with my parents who, at the time, were not married and had very little money. It wasn't too long afterwards that they had my little brother Daniel, who bonded our family together through the good times and the bad. But when I was about 6 years old, we moved out of Davis and began our new lives in the quiet and simplistic town of Roseville.


As I grew up, I always loved playing with lego blocks. I loved to build and challenge myself to make something beautiful every single day. I made buildings, shops, parks, you name it. And when I got a little bit older, my parents got my a computer. As time went by, I always spent the majority of my time on the computer. Until one day, when a friend mentioned a game that was still in Beta testing called "Minecraft". At the time I was 16, so naturally I begged my parents to buy it for me and sure enough, I got it.


As I grew older, I continued to play it and the more I played it, the more I enjoyed it. The game naturally grew on me and has been quite a hobby of mine. And as I became more interested in the game, I looked for some good servers. As you know, I played on two servers before I found this one. And that, is where my story ends.