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Member Since 26 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 12 2013 07:16 PM

Topics I've Started

Resolving Lag?

10 June 2013 - 11:12 PM

Recently been experiencing some rather bad lag on the server. Looking for suggestions on how to improve my latency. When I first joined, I had bad lag around the portals, and assumed this was simply because it was still loading in the new location. Now I get severe lag to the point where it's really un-playable in locations which used to be fine (my house for example.) 


So far I've tried experimenting with prioritising Minecraft traffic on my router without noticeable improvement, so I'm wondering if there's any changes to the Minecraft client I could make to improve the performance from there?


Any tips?




Nic's Application

26 April 2013 - 01:38 AM

In Game Name: nicbooth
Real Name/Preferred Name: Nic
Age: 29
Previous Minecraft experience: I like building stuff under the sea.
Geographic disposition: I come from the land downunder.
About me/why I'd like to join: I thought about how to answer this question for a while. I spent a while reading other applications & I noticed a couple things;
Mainly, whilst this server is aimed at an older age group, I still appear to be quite a bit older than many of the applicants. Might I ask, am I over the hill?
Secondly, I noticed many of the reasons other people gave didn't really strike a chord with me. While I loath griefers as much as the next human, I'm much more interested in building a positive community rather than a focusing on the negatives. - an example of something which caught my eye on the about page "we trust each other", now that does strike a chord with me.
Nextly, being from Australia, my ping may be a tad sloppy at times. It's usually fine on US servers, but still probably worth mentioning.
Apart from that, a little about myself; I work as a software developer, mainly working with on the LAMP stack. My hobbies; bikes, indie game dev, I love building stuff in the real world, served 4 years in the army then broke my spine (it's cool, fully recovered.) Perhaps most importantly I believe you're never too old to play with Lego. 
I think I'll leave it at that.