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Member Since 09 May 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 13 2014 03:08 PM

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Why not an anime thread?

14 September 2014 - 08:48 AM

So, although I'm 21yo I still watch animes because yes. JK, let me explain...


First anime I've ever seen was Sakura Card Captors, I watch it nowadays not only because the plot is really nice (it is, trust me on this :P), but it makes me remember things, we all have a book, a song or a movie that do that, so why not having an anime that does the same? 


So... Some can really be bad, I know, but there are ones out there that literally bring tears to the eyes of who watches, they're so profound and makes you create a feeling with the characters.


I'm not talking about the most known ones like Naruto, One Piece etc, but some that people normally don't know of.


A list now, keep up with me.


Air Tv, really emotional, really deep story, lessons and amazing visuals, worth the watch, but be aware: Watch it at once, if not possible, watch till ep 5 (it's only 12 of 30 min each more or less, so it doesn't take long, only 6h) and then from 6 to 12 at once, trust me, you don't wanna break the flow on this one. 


Elfen Lied, really nice story, more of a mature one with lots of blood. Do I need to say more? :P Yep, I do, you create a lot of empathy with the main character, it's really interesting.


Gosick, a lot of variety on this one, it has a main plot and lots of small ones, so it doesn't rumble around the same thing again and again and again.


Inuyasha, HUGE one, 160ep+, but really nice story, has main plots, arcs, small plots to break monotony, it's really interesting to watch, you can cry and laugh (maybe at the same time).


Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X), this one it's one of my favourites, the story is simply epic, it really makes you feel things you haven't felt before (hehe iykwim jk), it's a big one and it doesn't require that you watch like Air, all at once (you'd die because its 100ep+). Definetly worth checking out.


Dragon Ball Z/GT/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, don't need words, perfect.


Death note, absolutely impressive. Really well made, story is awesome without being tedious, has mistery, angst of seeing things that the characters don't, romance (sort of). Really dark atmosphere, but in a way that's not boring, on the contrary.




LET THE DRUMS ROLL..........................................................................


LITTLE BIT MORE OF ROLLING DRUMS..................................................



Sword Art Online (1st and 2nd seasons -this last is ongoing!), this one is... There are no words good enough, to me it's on my top 5 forever, the plot is really well made, the art is astonishing, the characters are so complex... And there's the fascination factor. I'll not tell about the story, just the background, so no spoilers; Immagine if you had a really virtual world, like MC, but where you literally enter it, your body moves, your avatar moves, you feel smell, taste, touch, feelings... All. Isn't that what pursue us all? At least to me it is, a virtual world 100% immersive, it's so amazing to see it becoming "real". 


Trust me, SAO it's worth the watch right now. Are you still reading it? Why on Earth haven't you got all episodes. Go watch! Stop. Reading.




So, what are YOUR animes? If you don't watch it, why not? 

Gcralves' Application

13 September 2014 - 02:10 PM

My IGN: gcralves


My real name: Gabriel, but you can call me anything related to that, ie: Gab, Gabr, Gabe, Biel, G, Gabriel (hehe) and anything that your creativity leads to!


Age: I'm 21. (July 5th, 1993)


Previous Minecraft experiences: I've played on servers before, none of wich were closer to the degree of maturity and connection that lies here, I'm really impressed. It's nice to see that. 


I've also made some videos of minecraft tutorials and LPs before, although they're in portuguese because it's my main language. If you want, I can provide the links so it doesn't feel like I'm advertising. 


I'm interested in thenical buildings the most, I always watch tutorials and replicate some of them in my ssp worlds, but I also try to build things that look nice. Not necessarily replicating the real world because Minecraft is a place where we can do ANYTHING we want, so why do the same things we do out here? I like to let my immagination fly and build things I would like to see in dreams or other games. Sometimes I go big, really big (like making a 100 block tall fantasy tree :P).


Last thing I would like to adress about this section is yes, I have 1 ban related to my account. I will not try to hide it, I was starting my "Minecraft life" in a server and was with the mind of a teenager, the stupid one (lol). I did a wrong thing to get things faster than I would if I did the gathering myself. Do I regret it? Yes, it marked my account for nothing, but it NEVER occured again and never will because as I was growing in and out of MC I learnt that it's not hard to get the resources myself, not only that, but it's also waaaaaaay cooler, I saw that the thing about MC was the mining, the exploring etc, not simply getting things from other people and do my own. I lost not only the opportunity to continue on that server I was in, but also opportunities to join others that I found cooler after that. And as well, lost part of the fun of the game, right? Now I'd rather do exploring and seeing landscapes, adventuring, getting lost (all the time this happens and it's one of the coolest things imo :P) than to just going into a chest and getting stuff. It makes me be ashamed because I've never done that in real life, so why the hell did I do that? Stupidity, pure and simply. But yeah, never occured again, never will. I appreciate the loyalty feeling that lies within a server, the lack of necessity to have anti-griefing things because everyone knows what is right and wrong, it's really nice, I've experienced that in servers with my friends (hosted in my own pc lol) and I cherrish this A LOT, in a server, A REALLY LOT. I excused myself with the admin from the server and the player, they were cool, but I didn't got "disban", and agree because I made a mistake, so I paid for it, like a traffic fine.


My background: So, outside of minecraft I'm a 21 year old guy who goes to college. I do my biomedicine degree (here we don't have minors/majors). My desire to do this in college comes from many many things, the main one by an infinite distance is to do something about my brother, who although is a teenager by now, will always be my baby bro :) He can't eat everything he wants like almost everyone, let me explain: In easter (those who celebrate it in the countries know) we have the habit of getting chocolate eggs, right? Not my family, we get 1 each because my brother can't eat a lot without gaining a lot of weight, colesterol rates getting stratosphericly high etc etc. Basically, it sucks, big time (sorry for the words, but it really hurts me that he has this problem). I will do something about it and since we found out about that I decided to to research on hormones/pharmacology to help him eat till he pukes if he wants to, it's not fair that I can do that and he cannot, I'd trade with him, but... So yeah, main reason for my college right there. The other is just my natural interest in life, not only traveling and things like that, but the chemistry of it, how can it be etc, but also, how can we modify it to be better, longer and easier. Like MC, right? Sort of.


When I'm not in college (sometimes when I'm at it) I read. Books, magazines (no gossip ones because The only life that interests me is the one of people that are close to me, celebrities can do whatever they want as long as that doesn't affect my own). So books, it can be a romance like Halo from Alexandra Adornetto, or suspense ones like Sidney Sheldon, Tell Me Your Dreams, action like Gone from MIchael Grant or Divergent. Any one that gets my attention gets bought and read. I read over a book per 2 weeks, sometimes more, sometimes less, depends a lot, but is an average of 50/year, pretty nice, huh? 


As of music, I don't have anything against any genre/band, but I'd rather hear some classic/electro if I had the choice to choose. I also like bands like Scorpions, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, the list goes on and on, I use my headphones so people are not obligated to hear what I'm listening and I would like everyone to do the same :P, but I'm open for new music, always nice to explore!


Sports? I do really enjoy them, I like to play soccer, swimming, mobile/pc/console games of any genre, preferably sandbox like GTA V, MC and FPS/RPG, I like to control the fate of the avatar's I create. But I also like to race with my car, my friends and I go to tracks and do roadtrips all the time, I really love the feeling of hitting the gas and going as fast as possible, such a thrill!


I'm sorry, but I'd rather not say where I live because I've been out of my country and people tend to make conclusions by assumption, wich annoys me. All I say is that english is not my main language although I'm in contact with it since 3yo, it's sort of, not officially. Hope that's okay. 


As of pets, I had a hamster, a bird and several fishes. Also two dogs who passed away when I had 11yo more or less, I really like to have them, is so good to get home and fall when they jump into you. I'm looking on adopting a new fellow as well. Miss that.


I'm open for questions because I'm not that good on talking about myself lol I feel uncorfortable :P


Summarizing/tldr: Hi lol