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Member Since 09 May 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 10 2014 12:57 PM

Topics I've Started

I can't figure out how to chat in-game :(

19 May 2013 - 10:50 AM

Please help. Noob here. I just logged on to server for first time today.

Patientmammal's application

09 May 2013 - 01:41 PM

Hey, I'm PatientMammal. My name IRL is Stuart, but I go by S2, because I think it's cool. It's a play on words, I guess. Also, I'm a junior so the 2 has a double meaning. Awesome.


I'm 27, married, with a 5 year old son, who also plays Minecraft. We started playing together on the Xbox, and that's how I got hooked. I've recently made the switch to the PC, and boy has my mind been blown repeatedly day after day. My son still prefers the Xbox version (the crafting menu is more suitable for him) but I just can't go back after having gotten a taste of the real thing. I should probably mention I've never been a member of a PC server before, although I've played quite a bit of multiplayer over Xbox. 


I started playing MC right when it launched on Xbox. I had heard a lot about the game, but had never been able to get a firm grasp on what Minecraft really is, so I decided to give it a shot. I was instantly engrossed, and found myself spending hours a day on the Xbox. After almost a year of seeing the Xbox version straggle along behind the PC version, I decided I had to make a change, and purchased a PC license. Best decision ever. Or worst, considering the amount of time I've now invested in the game. It's totally worth it, though.


I've been really curious about Minecraft servers, and I've been looking to join one for a little while now, but a lot of them seem to be populated by youngsters. That's why I was so excited when I found out about this server. (Oddly enough, I learned of it through the SixtyGig texture pack, which I've been using on my single-player world. I love it.) 


My two favorite parts about Minecraft are probably redstone and survival mode. I love survival, it gives me a feeling of purpose. Creative is cool for testing stuff, but I find it to be ultimately boring after a little while. Redstone. Oh my god. I am a redstone geek. I'm not necessarily the best at it (see my humble Xbox beginnings) but I'm halfway decent. I've even made a couple crappy tutorials (http://www.reddit.co...th_saplings_as/) for the Minecraft360 subreddit. The tutorial I linked to isn't an original idea, but I did create the circuit entirely on my own. I used to be pretty active on r/Minecraft360 until I made the switch to PC. I'm also a moderator for the Redstone360 subreddit (u/submitizenkane)


So yeah. I love Minecraft. I'm not shy in the least, so if you guys have any questions for me or about me, fire away. I'm really looking forward to getting to know you guys.