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Member Since 26 May 2013
Offline Last Active May 31 2013 09:07 AM

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Application: Forby

26 May 2013 - 05:21 PM

In Game Name: 0xForby

Real Name/Preferred Name: Kane

Age: 35

Previous Minecraft experience: I've been playing MC since December, so like 5-6 months now.  I've been playing online for like 2 or 3 months. 

Your background:  Well I'm really just looking for a place where I can click buttons on my mouse and move digital boxes on my screen into shapes that make me happy.  Then, when my build (which is, at best, meh) is kinda done, I wanna give a couple people tours and have them shower me with undeserved praise. :P


Shockingly, it's been fairly difficult to find a place to do that online.  To be honest, I really don't get the point of griefing, cheating, begging, or votine to recieve 1,000 diamonds as those are just ways to not play the game which you're trying to play, right?  Still though, I've gone through 3 servers now and I find myself wanting to yell at the monitor "I just want to play!"  SixtyGig's little intro page made me weep a little (but so did Toy Story 3); it's like you were talking to me!


I'm not a huge gamer, to be honest, but I'm also a full time college student (Yes, I'm 35 and in college. shush).  But I'm graduating in 3 weeks! Woo!!  (this would be a great time for that undeserved praise. shower me.)  So maybe in a month or two when I'm all en-jobbed and forgetting the nightmares of homework, I'll get even more active (and by "active" I mean sitting in a chair clicking buttons.  Dont' judge.). 


But really, I'm just looking for a place where people are chill.  I'm sarcastic and from the U.S. east coast (apply stereotypes liberally) but think I'm pretty friendly.  I prefer to make friends organically and expect to do the same here. 


Umm... I guess that's about it.  So let me know if I can play with you guys.  I promise not to break your toys or leave a mess in the front yard.