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Member Since 18 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 21 2014 10:49 AM

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DistortedCracker's Application

18 June 2013 - 07:08 AM

In Game Name:  DistortedCracker


Real Name/ Preferred Name:  Dave Jones; most just call me Jones, but in game I'm generally "DC". 


Age:  32, born October of 1980.


Previous Minecraft Experience:  I have been playing for a while.  I don't know exactly what update I began playing.  I know that when I began playing there wasn't snow.  I have played on several "mature" servers, and for a short while I was a moderator for my personal favorite one.  Have been playing more FTB and Technic recently, but I am looking to get back into vanilla and join a good community.  I was involved in a very close mature community, but the owners had just recently had a baby, and due to life moving on, the doors have been closed.  My wife and I both play, as well as her brothers and a sister.  It's how we stay connected despite living at opposite ends of the country.


My Background:  I am a father, a husband, and a cyclist.  I am not much of a "gamer", being that Minecraft is the only game I play, but I am very involved in MC.  I like to stay current on updates, snapshots, what the Mojang crew is involved in... I got my wife, daughter, sister-in-law amd brother-in-laws all interested in this crazy addictive game.


If I'm not talking Minecraft, I'm talking bikes.  I'm anti-car, our family is "car-lite", and I have been trying to convert them to "car-free".  We are in fact making a big move to Arizona, from New England, and I'm hoping that moving to a metro area like Phoenix is the push to get us all on two wheels.


Like I've mentioned, I was pretty involved in a mature server.  It was a very good community of geeks and builders.  A few of us became friends outside of the game.  Unfortunate that the owners had to shut the doors to keep themselves sane with the new baby, but it happens. 


Thank you for the time you've taken to review my application.  Hope to hear from you soon.