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Member Since 09 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 10 2013 10:22 AM

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Cranen3's Application

09 July 2013 - 09:22 AM

Hey! I'm Cranen3, and I'm looking for the chance to be a part of your server!


A few things about myself...


- I'm 18 and live in the northeast of the USA

- I'm not a huge gamer, MC is actually the only game I've really gotten into (because of the creativity)

- I love sports, especially Golf

- I'm a big fan of the outdoors, I recently returned from a week long solo-backpacking trip in the mountains

- I'm a super typical white male, 100%

- I'm more of a dog person, but cats a pretty awesome too

- Defiantly  pirates, arrrg

- I'll soon be going to college as a mechanical engineer


Feel free to spark conversation, Im willing to talk!


Some things about my MC past...


- Started playing just after the Beta release, but diddn't join a server for a long long time.

- Currently been a player at another more mature server, but looking for another to avoid the "kiddies"

- Played consistantly for about a year and a half, and earned the highest possible rank for building accomplishments (it was really selective) 

- Recently was promoted to Moderator

- My Favorite part of Minecraft is its creative nature, and the ability to build whatever


Once again, there's lots more, so feel free to ask!



