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Member Since 10 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 04 2013 08:57 AM

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pczealot's application

10 July 2013 - 06:21 PM

Hi gang. 


IGN: pczealot
RN: Steve
Age: 44
Exp: I began playing Minecraft back in September of 2011. It's been my go-to-game while between MMO's or when bored. I now find myself mining, building and exploring several hours per day. :) A short time ago I thought I would venture into multiplayer. As expected it was filled with hoards of preadolescence teens, most of which were Admins. You likely know where that road leads as here I am.
I'm a jack of all trades and master of none. Although, my wife would say that I’m a master of wasting hours, upon hours, upon hours gaming. She might be right.  I do enjoy spending hours trying to work with redstone circuits and sticky pistons for hidden doors, etc. I love that stuff, even though half the time I have no idea what I'm doing, but as long as it works, right?


Background: I've been married for 20+ years and have a couple of kids in their 20's. My youngest made me a grandpa last year! Can't wait to get that little dude into PC's! :)


I started out with Pong and then the Atari 2600. I went through all the flavors over the years. From Atari 400 to 1200XL and then into a Blue Chip 8088 PC purchased from a Federated department store back around 1990. I've upgraded year after year ever since.


Since my Pong days I've played most big MMO’s since Everquest. I made a list once; maybe I'll dig it out and post it when I bump this thread. I was also into Ultima I-XI, and big into Trade Wars 2002.


I've been a self taught PC tech since the 90's. I worked for a PC shop for about 8 years and then started a sole proprietorship doing the same. I handled dozens of daily onsite repair calls and emergencies. I was the one who fixed what the Novell CNE or the MCSE couldn't. I just had a knack for that sort of thing. I'm currently retired and play games all day and into the night! :)


That’s pretty much it. I’m just looking for a place to hang my hat and enjoy myself. Making a few friends and some new acquaintances would be great. I’d like to play while not having someone spawn hundreds of zombies on me and/or chase me around on an Ender Dragon. It would also be nice to not have the terrain inside and out of my house changed to cakes on a regular basis!


Hope to see you in game soon!




P.S. I spend most of my time building underground bunkers with hidden entrances and hidden rooms using sticky pistons and hidden activators with long delays.