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Member Since 26 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 19 2013 12:17 PM

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JontasticTerans Application

26 July 2013 - 08:42 AM



My User Name is JontasticTeran.


My real name is Jehu "Jon" Teran people tend to call me Jon or JJ because my first name is kinda hard to say or hard to remember.  I am Hispanic and a little Samoan, I am also 22 years old. I been playing Minecraft for 1 year-ish. I used to play on a different server "WoodenAxe" but the Admins didn't care if i got grief-ed or not, so I decided to look for another adult server. I love architecture so could kinda say that I know my ways around the Block. LOL. I also know some red stone creations but always want to learn more. I recently started playing on Xbox but it doesn't have the great community aspect as the PC version. I always loved the friendships that are made over things that we like. Im a Down to earth kinda guy, I love to help out in any shape or form. I am shy at times but if you give me time I can warm up to other people.  I like a wide variety of things from old school vintage Games, Anime, Comics, Doctor Who to the newest Shows and games like RWBY and Halo 4. It doesn't stop at that but also in movies and music. Like I said I am wide liking kind of guy. My Passion are in the Arts like Theater, Drawing, Music and Designing. Thats why i love Minecraft it brings out your creativity. I also like to make things efficient and simple. My Fears are kinda simple; I dont like Spiders and Reptiles that are venomous its like Gods way of saying Fear Me.... or screw you. =P . Well I never had a family life, never had a dad, no brothers or sisters one mom that moved house to house every 3 months or so until I moved out at the age of 19 and from then on I was on my own or living with my Best Friend who I consider Family. Ive graduated out of high school and done some College. Soon I will be joining the U.S. Navy. I worked at many places, but mostly in construction, welding jobs, and some Computer repairs. Im a really big gamer on and off the tv (sports, boardgames, Beer Pong). I am a fan of a lot of things like Rooster Teeth, Source fed, and you tubers like Freddie Wong, Toby Turner, and more. There is a saying that my friend said that I relate to so well and I think so too its, "Why always double checking where you place you foot on the road of life, just follow the path and if you trip then brush off and keep walking." Meaning I go with the flow. Sorry Its a long paragraph...... But please let me join this server and thank you so much for taking the time out of your life to read this. Please and Thank you




(Jon or JJ or Jehu you choose)