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Member Since 31 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 24 2013 11:59 PM

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In Topic: slimmintys application

25 August 2013 - 12:01 AM

Oh hey after i posted mine i saw your reply:p should have looked better, oh well. Now tomb raider, i have heard ifit but never realy played it, what is it about? Other raiding tombs? :P and a public end grinder, finaly some people that think the way i do! :P just noticed that the server is still 1.5, does it plan on getting updated to 1.6 at all?

You've never played Tomb Raider?... *bows head in shame*

Haha, well yes, there is tomb raiding involved. :P  For the the life of the game's franchise (minus the most recent one) it was an action-adventure game that incoporated a lot of platforming and (you guessed it!) raiding tombs. It was usually about Lara Croft trying to race against other people to find some mystical artifact/s and uncover its/their secrets (usually the other people were bad, but Lara usually also had some personal family/history reasons behind why she wanted to find the artifact/s so bad). Along the way were exotic locations, dangerous wildlife, loads of puzzle-solving (where is the lever that opens this door?) and exploration. 
The most recent Tomb Raider game, however, is a complete reboot of the entire franchise. It is a survival horror game. It is amazing. As you progress through the game, you are able to upgrade your tools and weapons, and it starts to feel a little less horror (but not much) and more like an epic redo of how the earlier games were meant to be. (Can you tell yet that I really really liked it?)   :P

He has NEVER played TOMB RAIDER ...
Welcome by the way slimminty. All the best for your application my friend. :D
~Nico :)
Nope vener played tomb raider before, sorry if im missing something :P

In Topic: slimmintys application

24 August 2013 - 05:50 AM

Yay! Im loving this server even more now, i like people that can take a joke, and hand out a joke, if that makes sence, as for setting horses on fire, how could you?! Horses are one of my favorite mobs, right behind mooshrooms.

In Topic: slimmintys application

23 August 2013 - 08:43 PM

i am back, finally have a computer that i can actully use, started highschool, and stuff, so yea, my last week and a half have been pretty hectic, and i haven't been able to be on to post, same with just being on minecraft in general. but anyways, i have had a pretty good start of high school, exept you know, the seniors acting all superior and cutting in the lunch line, but i guess that is expected, and ill probably end up doing the same :P. I have my first homecoming dance coming up, the 20th of September, so still have a while, but close enough to start worrying about how im going to ask the girl that i like :P, anyways enough of that, how has everyone elses last week and a half been? and i feel that im missing something with the whole argument sort of thing about someone being on fire :P anyways, macflea, you seem nice enough, not what i was expecting from how they described you earlier :P, you sound kinda like one of my friends. sorry again about not posting in a while, but school, jobs, and stuff got in the way of my computer time, which, if i dont have homework, is almost all night after i get home, till about 10:30, and if im not working saturdays and sundays, all day from 10:00 A.M. to about 1:00 A.M. the next day, yes im one of those that stays up late on the computer  

In Topic: slimmintys application

17 August 2013 - 06:56 AM

Well no one has posted in a while so im going boost,and hopefully some people that i havnt gotten to talk see it and i can talk to them :P

In Topic: slimmintys application

08 August 2013 - 09:49 AM

Lol im sorry i havnt replied to anything lately, im on vacation and just got the password for the internet :P, but it sounds like a very multipersonality server, and ill remember not to mess with macflea if i get into the server :P we are heading home on saturday, so ill check up on here again then. During that time i want some questions to answer :P it seems like im the one asking all of the questions