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Member Since 03 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 10 2013 12:39 PM

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Application to join from Digit01

03 August 2013 - 07:35 PM

In Game Name: Digit01
Real Name/Preferred NickName/In Game Preferred:  Stephan//Digit/Digit
Age: 38 (Already?)
Minecraft experience: Been playing, read goofing around, with MC since Beta 1.4.  Spent the past year'ish on a Spout server--but alas spout is dead or on its way there.  I mostly build out of joy and try new things.  I'm no redstaone guru, nor can I build  Notre Dame, but I can try.
My Background:  Husband and father.  Play MC with my 9-year-old.  I'm have been in the military for 18 years and have traveld around this great planet.  I have played video games sine the C=64--which I still have.  Along with a C=128,C=128D, and an Amiga 500.  Right now the Amiga is up for playing some games with my son.  I'm also a linux user, have been since 2000, I love handcraft beers, and I sooooo love food.
Interesting fact 1: I can also speakl Italian and German.  Si. Ja.
Interesting fact 2: I never planed on making the military a career, but after getting married and having a kid--I took the hook like a tuna.
Favorite quotes: 
"There are all kinds of stupid people that annoy me but what annoys me most is a lazy argument." Hitchens
"Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist."Geroge Carlin
Why I'm applying for Sixty Gig: I want to play on a non-PVP mature server.  I've been gaming since freaking 1985.  I'm tired of little teenybopers telling my I'm too old for this game.  Also I love to be on a server that has a sense of community.  I want to have fun building and interacting with people.  The website, server, and texture pack all seem tight and point to a job well done.