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Member Since 06 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 06 2013 04:57 PM

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CouldveBeenKing Application

06 August 2013 - 04:46 PM

In Game Name: CouldveBeenKing
Real Name/Preferred Name: Jason
Age: 22
Previous Minecraft experience: Since Alpha. I spend quite a bit of my time building aesthetically pleasing builds but my secret passion is complex redstone apparatuses. 
Background: Hello guys and gals. Where to start... well, I am a student mid way through my college career. Currently on hiatus while I save up some money. So you can imagine how much more Minecraft time I have. I work two jobs at the moment, as a graphic designer for my local news outlet and an audio/visual technician for an event booking service.
I live in central Texas, think San Antonio/Austin area as I jump between the two for work. I moved here one year ago from my home state of Pennsylvania, but that's about as far as I have been able to travel so far. 
As for my hobbies/interests, I write quite a bit. Looking to publish my first book by the end of 2014. I'm also a major nerd/geek for anything associated with technology or science. Especially video games and astrophysics. Bit of a leap I know but hey that's how my mind works too. I tend to run off into odd tangents but at least I'm never boring to listen too eh? Speaking of which, I spend a lot of time on vent/skype so if you're a talker I'm in! 
The reason I wish to join this particular server is the fact that it is, at least as advertised, a mature community. I just want to be able to build/explore, without worry that my time will go to waste or be destroyed, while having a friendly conversation. I do make the occasional Youtube video but that's more to practice my editing skills than to be trendy. So being able to record a small series without my stuff disappearing would be nice. Also, I hope that this is the case here, I love community builds/adventures. Hunger games and such maps are fantastic. Minecraft is the Lego of video games and being able to come together with people and just create is something that has been mostly lost in this generation. So I look forward to playing with you all!