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Member Since 27 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 09 2013 06:40 PM

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RevengeRacer's Application

27 August 2013 - 09:38 PM

Hi, when I saw Sixty Gig, I though it was great. A mature community, and lots of awesome builds. I'm getting tired of supposedly "safe" servers where I come back the next day and my house is completely gone, and moderators that don't do their job. I want to join because I want to build, and be part of an awesome community! My name is Will, I'm 14. You can find some of my builds on planetminecraft, but since posting, my style has changed, and I'm getting much better at houses. My experiences on servers has mainly been on Sidyas' anarchy, which I left after I got griefed, expected on a raiding server, but I didn't really like the idea of losing everything... Also on StormPlay, where I was greifed twice, (they got protection, that's the only reason I stayed...) and I also helped create a mob arena. Sadly, the server went down after the build, and I haven't been able to get on since. My hobbies are mainly in guitar and art, namely texture packs :D It would be a huge honor to be accepted onto the server, and I would play every chance I got! I can't do much during the week with school coming up, but probably about 4-6 hours on the weekends.


Thank you very much!