Member Since 20 Apr 2011Offline Last Active Jul 06 2011 12:44 PM
Ain't nothing but a gold digger
Updated 27 Jun · 0 comments
About Me
What can I say? long time gamer, starting back on the NES. I'm pretty sure I had an Artari 5600 before then, but I was pretty young. from there it was SNES > Apple II computer > Playstation > PS2 > Xbox > Xbox 360, with various handhelds and other systems thrown in for good measure. From age 17 to current day I have played many different online games. One of my favorites was Runescape, where I was involved with a great group of players and eventually took over as "leader." It was a blast being in a large group of active players! Sadly I had to give up playing any sort of subscription online games a few years ago due to life. My family moved to NC and opened a business that I now manage. It's a great job and I'm lucky to have it, but it also takes up most of my life 6 days a week. anyways, thats my gaming history in a nutshell. I have a bit of an addictive personality, so I try not to let one thing take up to much of my time (like gaming). I'm going to attempt to moderate my time on Minecraft, but still be involved with everyone in-game and on the forums. I love making new friends, even if it's thru something impersonal like an online game!
Community Stats
- Active Posts 30
- Profile Views 6,471
- Member Title Tree Puncher
- Age 37 years old
- Birthday January 25, 1988
Asheville, NC