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Member Since 09 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 27 2013 05:50 AM

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jizzlej's Application

12 September 2013 - 12:39 AM

Hello all :)


In Game Name: jizzlej
Real Name/Preferred Name: Jasmine/Jaz. Not to be confused with Princess Jasmine. I'm yet to own a tiger or go on magic carpet rides with a thief, but I'm young so there's still hope I guess..
Age: 16
Previous Minecraft experience: I only started playing Minecraft at the beginning of this year, but I've gotten the general hang of it, however I'm not exactly talented at building much. I am, however, very skilled at finding a bunch of diamonds and then immediately falling into lava and losing them. So if you need to lose some diamonds, I'm your girl.
My background: I absolutely love to have a whinge. At heart I am an 80 year old man that sits at home and complains about kids walking on his lawn. I genuinely enjoy bad pop music because it's the best music to go crazy around your house to when you're alone. I also have a long list of dumb things my younger self did that make an amusing conversation, one of them being the time I shoved a tiny Connect 4 piece up my nose and had to be put under anaesthesia so it could be removed via tweezers as I refused to let the doctor come anywhere near me. Unfortunately that's the only story you're getting for now, I like to try keep most of my dignity intact when I meet people for the first time (which never really works, but hey, a girl can dream)


Anyway, I know I'm quite young, but I hope you'll consider me anyway ^-^ I always love to meet people that I can either have a laugh with or discuss topics from whatever is happening in the world to just how plausible a zombie apocalypse is to Miley Cyrus' latest publicity stunt.

