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Member Since 23 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 18 2013 06:26 PM

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Application for William

11 October 2013 - 12:52 PM


I think this is the first time I've tried applying for a server so I wanted it to be the best server I could find. I've sorta been lurking around this place even before I signed up on the forums, I actually found it through the SixtyGig texture pack (wonderful pack btw!), kinda addicted to it atm :P.

BUT! Enough with my ramblings, where are my manners, (in the storage room to the left, They look best there) my name is William(((Porter)IGN is williamporter98)but william is fine), I recently turned 15, male(figure that!), I live in Missouri U.S.

Background: I got into minecraft when 1.7.3 was at the end of its life and 1.8 was coming out soon, I'm normally not really talkative, but today is a special day(I've been prepping myself for a while about posting my application), I actually keep to myself most of the time(IRL and servers) but when someone, anyone needs help, I'm always giving my 100% towards it. I can be a very serious person with I need to be, and the most inappropriate at other times, just depends on the situation. I was home schooled for the last 2 years?, that seems about right(It was because my mother didn't like the school I was supposed to go to...) I'm actually going into public school soon(supposed to be Monday, not sure if that is true anymore), but my mother is a stay-at-home-cook-clean-and-school-everyone kind of mom, and my father is in the army he's a combat engineer(not the one who makes the vehicles the one who deploys them and blows sh*t up) he doesn't talk about his work all that much so that's the extent of what I know about what he does. I have 6 siblings, 2 older half-sisters, 2 younger sisters, and 2 younger brothers, my older siblings are out of the houses so I'm the "boss" you could say. I've lived in 4 different states(Texas, Kentucky, Indiana, Washington state), and I've visited every state in between, and all the states along the west and southern coast, so I've traveled quite a bit in my lifetime, I'm a big movie fan, I just recently started watching them though, so I don't know some classics, I'm also a big game fan, MMO's have recently gotten my attention, Planetside 2, Vindictious and the like.  Now for the part I've been dreading, but if I'm going to wright this I don't want any secrets about me, I'm the biggest pirate you will ever meet(Minecraft is legit I got it before I found free* games), I've seen every movie in the top 100 on the pirate bay sense it was .org(February 1 was the last day it was registered on .org), same goes for the games, but hopefully that doesn't mater or if it does, you guys can accept it... or not.

As far as minecraft goes, I'm not the best builder I can do basic house interiors and landscaping(but from what I've read that isn't much of a requirement, like a lot of things) I'm not the best redstoner I can do basic redstone, and I'm in love with the command blocks and what they do in the latest snapshots. As far as the reason I want to join goes, I just want a place I can go to where the people there are nice and help, and where if you need help you don't have to worry about the guy helping you trash your stuff when you look the other way, or stealing, witch in this server a lot of people apparently have diamonds in spawn for months without getting touched(I find that level of trust amazing!) and not only that but the people here are hand picked so you know there going to be friendly and not just a bunch of griefers(granted no server has 0 griefers but there's a smaller chance on handpicked severs). 


So, I think that's all folks! I'd love to hear about it if anyone feels the same way about the trust levels and/or anything else in my topic, I can't wait to hear and respond with all you lovely people!