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Member Since 27 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 23 2013 08:58 PM

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MrFritz66's SixtyGig Application

27 October 2013 - 05:02 PM

IGN: MrFritz66


Name: Erick or Fritz are both preferred names of mine


Age: 12 8/12


Previous Minecraft Experience: I first found out about minecraft 3 years ago when my brother was watching seananner's first minecraft videos. I got into it and only watched videos for another year. I then got an account for it on my old laptop but I never played because it was so laggy I couldn't bare to continue. But only last year, I got a working computer and started up minecraft again. I found the perfect server and only played it, and was almost staff until it shut down in march or so. Ever since then I have been searching for a server, and this one sounds a lot like the one that I played, except for the shutting down part.


Background: I really have nothing to complain about. For the past couple years I did all my homework during lunch (the day it was due), but I am finally doing it at home which takes a load of stress off my shoulders. And.... I enjoy playing the drums in the hope of having drumming my occupation someday. Also, I can't draw for my life but I am pretty good at pixel art which I practice all the time so I can get better. Another thing I do is make lunches. What's special about that? Oh nothing just that I make lunches for my entire family.


Why I want to join: As I mentioned previously I have been looking for another server to fill the gap in my soul since the old one I played shut down. I don't know a single person on this server but the texture pack was so good I decided to check out the server. Also, the rules seem very fair because now I can build without worrying about being killed or having someone else's house 1 block away from mine.


A little more about me: I love cheesecake, sticks, the color brown, and traditional style kitchens. I hate spiders, the color orange, carrots, and modern style kitchens. Finally, I have noticed that when I write I use the word "I" a lot. I'm going to count how many times. I have said I 30 times, including the two in this sentence.