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Member Since 07 May 2011
Offline Last Active May 16 2011 02:51 PM

Topics I've Started

Oh hey, it's KnownTK

14 May 2011 - 12:06 PM

Hey guys, SixtyGig and members. I'm KnownTK- a recient graduate of the Art Institute of Chicago and soon to be living in Albuquerque New Mexico. I have a degree in fine art and photography and think of minecraft as an artistic outlet. I like inventive designs in minecraft that are not standard. I'm very interested in experimenting with ideas such as unique / hidden lighting, automated structures, and secret passageways. One of the challenges in the town my talented friends EvilCapulet and Mark_Rompton was creating an entire town within a town. That is, certain areas of our town are connected to an elaborate system of passageways and private buildings that you must be invited to access. In many ways our city has a back story and a very bold personality because of the secret "guild" that intertwines throughout all of the public buildings.

Traditionally I have been a member of the MCWB server though I am highly displeased with their management and playerbase. I'm looking for a more mature minded community. SixtyGig looks like a fantastic place and I hope to join your community.

I'm going to bump my forum post up my placing screenshots of some of the structures and idea's in the town. As Mark_Rompton mentioned everything you see was crafted and mined by us-- nothing spawned.

To start us off, this is my automated farmer. Posted Image You take the latter to the top, sit in the water which graciously and gently spirals you through the entire building. As you flow down there is no need to walk, you simply swing at the wheat and it either goes directly into your inventory or it goes into the water with you meeting you at the end. Many of the floors have large storage areas. After you ride it once, simply ride it again and replant your seeds. The ride takes approximately one minute and leaves you with 64 wheat.