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Member Since 08 May 2011
Offline Last Active May 13 2011 10:52 AM

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georpthey's application

08 May 2011 - 09:22 AM

- My IGN: georpthey
- My Age: 14 (don't be put off by this, I am far more mature than my age hence I am applying here)
- My Location: Oxford, England
- Why I want to join: Not so long ago, I started up on a fairly well known server based in the UK that involves crafting a city. I built my homely, albeit modest, house one evening, and came back the next morning to find that it had been demolished and replaced with something new by another player. When I asked why it had been replaced I was met with a host of "lol"'s and "that's what you get for being a n00b"'s...not fun. So I decided to look for something more mature, and I reckon this is it :).