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Member Since 01 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Feb 08 2014 01:11 AM

Topics I've Started

Marmite - Yay or Nay

31 January 2014 - 12:35 PM

So I've not been around for a bit as I've been ill, but I've logged back in and seen an awesome Marmite jar on one of the threads.


So much like my sweet or savoury thread, do you love or hate Marmite, or have you never tried it!?


I had it as a child and thought it was ok. However now I really dislike the stuff unless I am in a very odd mood and have a craving for it. I do however love twiglets and Marmite rice cakes, because I'm obviously a very weird confused individual!

Sweet or Savoury?

20 January 2014 - 02:30 AM

Hay all,


It was our daughters birthday yesterday and we took her out for dinner, and it just got me thinking. When I go out for a meal I would rather have a starter than a desert. Same if I am having a snack, 9 times out of 10 I would prefer a savoury snack as opposed to something sweet.


So what about you, would you rather have sweet :cake_32px: or savoury :cooked_chicken_32px: