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Member Since 04 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 14 2014 09:47 PM

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mslaw's application

07 January 2014 - 12:43 PM

In Game Name: mslaw
Real Name/Preferred Name: Susan
Age: 64 [yes, that is my real age]

Previous Minecraft experience: My grandson introduced me to minecraft about 2.5 years ago, and I have been playing ever since.  [I also like L4D2 or any other game with Zombies]  2 years ago me, and a few friends started a small beastnode server and therefore, I have a pretty good understanding of the game and the plugins that make it work.  Most importantly, I know what it takes to make a good community and for me, that is what the game is really all about, the community.   I enjoy building, but I an not that good at it, so I tend to find builds on the internet and copy those so that I can learn how to build new things.  Occasionally, I like to go play on Minez but a little of that goes a long way and I really do not care that much for PvP.  

Your background: I am a semi retired California attorney [bar no. 199119], a christian conservative, and I watch Fox News.  However, I do not like to discuss those issues 'ingame' because it tends to cause arguments.  I play MC to get away from the real world and all of its problems.  Minecraft is perfect for that! Where else can you go and build whatever you want to live in, bravely kill mobs, mine for gold and diamonds, and, if you die, you just hit respawn and you get to start all over.  I don't care what your politics/religion/gender preference is, I'm just here to play a friendly game of minecraft. 


Because of my profession, I am pretty good at solving problems and mediating disputes between players and I have a well developed respect for 'rules'.  I have a pretty good sense of humor, and find most things that happen in the game to be pretty funny, like the time that I fell in deep water and was drowning. I was screaming for help and a player said, 'just use your space key to get to the surface' . . . . duh.  I was really a noob at the time and in some ways i am still a noob.  Obviously, I do not grief, spam, argue, or cheat in any form whatsoever.  I do not curse or insult other players.  I simply want to play minecraft in a friendly community.  So, I hope you will accept my application for a trial membership on your server. :)