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Member Since 05 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2014 01:16 AM

Topics I've Started

Creative Corner of showing

02 February 2014 - 12:22 AM

Hey SixtyGig :)


We all have our hobbies and Projects and I want to see yours. Do you like to photograph, draw, writing poems, play music or do you have a building which is creative and some kind of art? 


Show me and our community in this thread! :D


I am excited of your projects and hobbies. Everything is wanted. Don't be afraid of a feedback we are all very gentle. 


I will start with a short new Video:


Application - Rhize

05 January 2014 - 12:32 PM

Hello everybody,


First of all I want to introduce myself to explain the one or other. My name is Robin and I'm a 19 years old guy from Germany. So please be graciously if it is hard to understand me sometimes. I will try hard to write and speak correctly. 

My Minecraft experiences:


I started to play Minecraft about one year ago in the beta 1.8. For me it is a huge Sandbox with billions of possibilitys to create a personal world. I started like everybody - a block of Wood in the plains of a new World. That was my house. A torch in each corner and floors made of grass. No idea of crafting a door or burning sand to glass I just saw a few windows into my Walls... 

It was a great time with a lot of new experiences but I realized that these blocks could be formed to great, impressive, functional (or less functional) monuments. And when I completed my first diamond armor I was sure that I want to build something special. Something that make people say: "Wow, I wish that would have been my idea." 

I don't know if I reached my target but I built my own castle, a flying island, a ship on the rough sea and my personal atlantis... I loved to build that projects and it was a great feeling to show them to my friends. To explain how the redstone circles are working and to get a feedback. 

That's my story... Should be similar to most of yours. ;) 

Why do you fill such a laborious application to play Minecraft? You could join a different server without any dutys like this: 

Good question! and Yes, I could... but I think it is a good method for an admin to keep griefers, etc. away. Moreover it is a good way for me to get a part of a small and (Sorry, if I use a strange word. Please give my a feedback which word would be appropriate) restricted community. If it is a closed exclusive Server you can be sure not to meet unpleasant people. 


I hope you understood the whole text. Would be great if I could join you. 


Mit freundlichen Grüßen (ger.)  :stone_pickaxe_16px:
