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Member Since 25 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Feb 01 2014 12:43 PM

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Application - RejectIfDamaged

25 January 2014 - 05:40 AM

n Game Name: InvisibleFlame7
Real Name/Preferred Name: Lee

Age: 29



Hello I am a 29 year old male looking to join your server so I can have a adult only server to play on as I seem to always be the oldest on other servrs and it feels like I am a baby siter most of the time and I really want to play with people around the same age as me.


I was born in 84 i live in Australia and I  grew up with shows like hey dad, agro, humphrey b bear , full house, Mr swiggle had toys like Gi Joe's , ninja turtles , HE man skeletor etc.


use to love playing Flimbo's Quest on my comodore 64 with the line of coding which took ages to type and load up games , and those tapes games lol anyways i really would love to join your server if you will have me , and sorry for any grammar errors lol.


um if i may also ask here if someone can help me with any mods people have installed as I am not sure what I can have, and also If i may ask if I can use mods like


tinkers construct

MineFactory Reloaded


I only ask cause always used ftb launcher so kind of new to this, I hope you dont mind


anyways ty for reading this

