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Member Since 17 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active May 19 2014 08:30 AM

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In Topic: Application for Admission - Kretzge

18 April 2014 - 08:40 AM

Probably would have helped to look at other examples before posting,


I apologize for being so formal , but I've never applied for a whitelist where people really cared about who I actually was, moreso about how I could help them and what I could do for them.


Anyways, on a more personal note, I'm Half-American and Half Puerto Rican, and live on the island. Outside Minecraft I write a lot ( Novel, Poetry Etc, Don't want to bore you). 


Please don't misunderstand, I didn't intend my saying I was a staff member to sound like bragging or arrogance, but rather to simply show that I'm generally well behaved and tend to do well in mature environments. Basically I wouldn't be a nuisance. 


Anyways, I started playing minecraft in March of 2011 , so I'm a bit of a veteran. Since then I'm taken a few leaves of absence, but they've never been long. Even still I have trouble catching up with all this newfangled stuff that keeps appearing in the game haha. I tend to build a base for myself and generally keep to myself. Before I played on the family friendly server I played on an old school full vanilla anarchy server, which was quite an experience ( I highly recommend trying it at least once). I don't know how many of you have seen the walking dead ( Huge fan myself) but it's exactly like that. The people become more dangerous than the monsters at night, you protect yourself by staying out of sight, Its also a bit like DayZ. Anyways, my experience from being on that server gave me a good insight on the value of forming alliances and the importance of teamwork. 


I love this game and how open and endless it is, and I ted to love (most of) the people that play it. That's why Im still here.



Any more questions just ask, and thank you again for your time. :)


- Krettleton