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Member Since 25 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active May 28 2014 03:53 PM

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In Topic: Concept idea - A nightclub

14 May 2014 - 04:36 PM

Heh heh heh bunny ranch heh

lel no, I have something much more awesome (and more noble) in mind ;P





First off I know it might not be my place to discuss server build ideas since I'm still just an applicant. But most of you guys( and girls xD) seem to be pretty cool and open about opinions from anyone. so here goes.


The idea is to build a nightclub(least a nightclub could look like in minecraft) with flashing lights and decor, including a custom built soundtrack using redstone and noteblocks. Now I understand your prefer to not have complex redstone builds, but the whole soundtrack would be a short redstone contraption played on loop, which shouldn't cause too much lag, and can be turned off whenever required. Also all the redstone required should fit within a 30x30 plot. Again, probably not the most original idea either, but I feel you guys should have one for funs sake :P. Hell, I dunno, maybe you guys already have something like this o.e. meh, anyways, just felt like sharing this xD.





Have you ever played Anarchy Online or Star Trek Online?


no, sorry :/ not much or a star trek fan (Don't kill me! i've still played stuff like star wars and runescape and what not) 



I asked because there is some great source material to be found in both of these titles.


Let's start with AO:



IMO the best one in terms of scale (small), reputation (it was notorious back in the day, 10+ years ago) and in game sound track is Rompa.



Well the two best ones I know of are in D7 and DS9 - the others (at least at the time I played) were empty.


Both of these are in F2P, so I would highly encourage you to go forth and embark upon a research field trip.


thanks! ill check them out when I'm free :P

In Topic: Concept idea - A nightclub

13 May 2014 - 12:23 PM

There's a spot I've marked with a glass of beer icon north of the city. It's near an empty village. it could be a good location.

I saw it as a place that might one day turn into a seedy bar and entertainment district, but if you want to class it up a bit, I think it would be good location. Seedy because of all the low-life zombies that hang out around there. And, the creepy creepers.

oooh sounds great! thanks :P

In Topic: OMG! Yes just what we needed.

12 May 2014 - 12:39 PM

I've run a few tests using a piston powered transportation system and here are my results.


  • A PPTS (Piston Powered transportation system) is slower then all other modes of transportation other then walking and pig.
  • It lost to the minecraft by at lest a 100 blocks, but one the plus side, it is cheaper in iron as it only requires 4 pieces of iron, but costs more in red stone on slime blocks.
  • The current Design of the PPTS needs to be rebuilt every time you want to turn.
  • The PPTS is built from 14 slime blocks 4 redstone blocks and 3 normal pistons and 1 sticky piston.

I'm petty sure that the PPTS is stuff as a mode transportation unless if someone can make a design that goes two ways, which I do have the time for some many other things I can be doing. (Hint Hint)




I once managed to build a piston powered elevator which is supposed to be faster than flying. i found the design on yoututbe and made a bunch of modifications, and it turned out great. I believe the same sort of design can be instead built horizontally and create a very fast mod of transport. the only downside to this is it takes a lot of time to build and a lot of resources. plus its only good for like a distance of 35-45 blocks because after that the timing gets easily messed up and building it on a server could potentially cause the mechanism to fail entirely due to lag issues and stuff. either way, might be worth checking out elevator designs on youtube, and see if you can find the exact video i saw, since I can't seem to find it myself anymore :P

In Topic: Concept idea - A nightclub

12 May 2014 - 12:30 PM

Crap i just realized i should have multi quoted this ._. oh well *derp*

In Topic: Concept idea - A nightclub

12 May 2014 - 12:29 PM


First off I know it might not be my place to discuss server build ideas since I'm still just an applicant. But most of you guys( and girls xD) seem to be pretty cool and open about opinions from anyone. so here goes.


The idea is to build a nightclub(least a nightclub could look like in minecraft) with flashing lights and decor, including a custom built soundtrack using redstone and noteblocks. Now I understand your prefer to not have complex redstone builds, but the whole soundtrack would be a short redstone contraption played on loop, which shouldn't cause too much lag, and can be turned off whenever required. Also all the redstone required should fit within a 30x30 plot. Again, probably not the most original idea either, but I feel you guys should have one for funs sake :P. Hell, I dunno, maybe you guys already have something like this o.e. meh, anyways, just felt like sharing this xD.





Have you ever played Anarchy Online or Star Trek Online?


no, sorry :/ not much or a star trek fan (Don't kill me! i've still played stuff like star wars and runescape and what not)