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Member Since 27 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 27 2014 04:59 PM

Topics I've Started

Ty and Anastasia here!

27 April 2014 - 04:06 PM

I'm doing a double application, because we're a couple, and we live together. Two for one! I realize this might make things a little more complicated when it comes to getting accepted, but neither one of us can leave the other behind. We've also yet to buy her an account, but we're considering it so that we can both play at the same time once we find a good server to play on!


In Game Name: Amerikuh


Real Name/Preferred Name: Ty, Anastasia.


Age: Ty: 26. Anastasia: 20


Previous Minecraft experience: Played when it first came out, had a blast.. That was before the online scene took off, when Survival was brand new.. I've played since, but not much, haven't had the opportunity until now. Anastasia is really new however, but it's okay, she's got me to help her, and I've got the rest of the community!


Your background: My background.. Whew.. I'm going to try and make it short.. I grew up in New York, I was a normal kid, typical boy, in to the typical things.. That all changed when I became legal. A rough home life lead to me attempting escape! We've got a thing that runs in my family that we like to call the "Waldorf Crazies," people in our family tend to be born a bit.. mentally off.. It was hard on me growing up, and it's hard on me now as an adult that suffers from it! Lol! I ended up meeting a girl on the other side of the country who spelled nothing but trouble for me, but I went with it anyway, it was an escape, but this caused me to lose everything I had financially when she ended up stabbing me in the back.. Feeling crushed by her, and my situation, I took off in to the desert with a backpack full of supplies and ended up homeless, traveling the country looking for my place for about 3 years, until I met Anastasia! (Though the time inbetween leaving that girl and meeting the next has really molded who I am today.. You don't just travel the country for 3 years, living out of a backpack, and come out unchanged, if ya know what I mean!)


Anastasia was born in Russia but moved here when she was 7 with her mother.. She had a tough home life as well, and ran away. She wound up living in a squat house (a squat house is abandoned property,) we met each other at a desert camp site called Slab City. We had both traveled a long way to get there and met each other by sweet coincidence.


I'm crazy about weapons, off road vehicles, and video games, Anastasia on the other hand is more about music and art, though I've got her addicted to gaming now. :P If you want to know more, just ask!