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Member Since 20 May 2014
Offline Last Active May 29 2014 01:20 PM

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In Topic: mimimmo's application!

21 May 2014 - 10:19 AM

Hi mimimmo, welcome to Sixty Gig. What part of Italy do you live in? I've been to several of it's cities, Bari, Venice, Rome, Naples, and a couple of others when I was in the U.S. Navy. I found it to be a beautiful country with delightful people. One day I would love to take my wife there to experience what I did.


Do you have any interests outside of video games, ie. art, music, etc. We have several artists and musicians here, as well as those that just love both.


What is it about Minecraft that draws you to the game?  Do you have a particular style you prefer when building or area to build in? Have you tried any mods or adventure maps to play in? 


I'll leave it to those questions for now, I'm sure others have their own to ask. Again, Welcome and I wish you good luck on your application and look forward to getting to know you. If you have any questions just ask, I or someone else will try to answer if we can.  C-ya. :)


Wow, those are a lot of questions xD I am from Naples! I agree with you, the country is beautiful, it's the people who live in it who are the problem. As for the interests... Well I don't really have any interests in particular, the only exception is that I really like to help a frined of mine making short "films" and one day we hope we can share those videos on Youtube with the world. We're currently working on a big project of a 40' long film (zombie apocalypse theme) and we also did a crow founding campaign on indiegogo. It went quite well although we're still looking for an alternative way to make some more money and grow our already short budget xD


As for Minecraft, I really like the surviving part of it and,once I've found a good spot, i would build cozy little houses and I would try making anything I build pretty (most of the times failing in the attempt xD). 


Thanks to all of you guys for the warm welcome! ^^ 

In Topic: mimimmo's application!

21 May 2014 - 04:32 AM

Well it depends. I mean, I drink coffee every morning because without it I would be a zombie for the whole day but every once in a while I like having a a mug of tea in the evening so... both? xD

also as for what Blue_Drgon3600 said, thank you very much and now that I think of it, i really don't have any hobbies :/ I need to find one! cya! xD