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Member Since 23 May 2014
Offline Last Active May 24 2014 12:25 PM

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elvisguitar - Application

23 May 2014 - 12:42 PM

Hey there people!

I'm elvisguitar, or Erwin as I go by in real life.
I know from experience ( >_> ) that english-speakers tend to have issues pronouncing this, so you may just refer to me as elvis to make it easy. Currently I reside in the Netherlands, I'm made by generations of dutch and german breeding. Pretty much something in between. Wow that's weird to say, haha.



-------------------------------(Long stories about all kinds of stuff here, perhaps not neccesary application material. Underlined stuff is mentioned in the suggested app form)---------------------------




I'm a 20  years young college dropout, not planning on getting a new education anytime soon. I finished my high school, and immedeatly after tried to become... *Drumroll*... A history teacher!

As I've spoiled before this didn't work out for me very well, and I ended up staying at home, living with my parents and working at horrible fastfood chains famous all over the world. (Yes, I'm referring to both KFC and McDonalds. Don't judge me.) I spend most of my days earning some money there just to save it up to do the thing I love doing most:


Going on adventure! I've backpacked in the south of france to walk to italy, I go camping a lot, urban exploring and just driving arround in the countryside gazing at the starts at night. For this year I have a trip to bulgaria planned, going to walk trough the mountains with friends and wrestle with bears. Going to the garda lake in italy as well. For the year after I'll be walking El camino de santiago compostella for a month! (look it up, it's the best thing ever for adventurers like me! ). 


I also spend my bare earnings on music. I play guitar, ukelele and have some other random instruments to mess around with. I have a gorgeous martin somethingsomething ( I'm horrible with names and such). It cost me a lot so I'll suppose its high end. I use it to play guitar in church in front of 500 people pretty much weekly. I'll deffs take these instruments with me on my trips this year!


and the rest of my time is pretty much spent on gaming, mostly with friends. I don't like getting lonely too much. My favourite things are having dedicated drink'n'game nights, playing garry's mod to goof arround in and planetside 2, as well as starcraft and LoL and smite-ish games. As long as its with friends to keep it fun. I've been an admin on a gaming community called protomod.net for over a year, then stepped down due to losing interrest in its main game (Gmod). Ask there for refference, hah. 


----------------------------(more application related stuff following now, don't fall asleep yet!)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



So my minecraft experience! I'm fairly certain I've played minecraft on the website,  the free thing where you could only put blocks, before the alpha was out. I was in a community called Barons of bullshit, which I fitted in very well unlike it's name might suggest. It was a tightly knit long running community which was barrels of fun. I'll admit I got banned from it for taking ''messing arround'' to far which I regretted eversince. I did get accepted back into it later on. This took place quite some years ago though, no worries. I grew older and smarter. I just phased trough long periods of playing minecraft eversince, usually trying to find a community to fit into just to feel left out and leave again. But hey, persistance is key. 


In minecraft I just usually end up doing my thing, impulsively building things, though I very much have the need to build and periodically improve my homestead.  I have  serious anti-treetop issues, and have the urge to landscape every hole a creeper or TNT made that I come across. Pretty much a nightmare to play this game with, haha. I guess I've become quite an alright builder, I once made a spawn for a server that never launched, but I'll put some picture links in the end to give an impression.


(Some build pics)












Well, I suppose that should about cut it! I forgot making this app look neat and all, I just really don't wanna put any more time into this! I already wrote half a book, sorry for that. 
Kind regards, Elvis ^_^