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Member Since 06 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 13 2014 05:39 AM

Topics I've Started

thoughts on good comicbook based movies?

08 June 2014 - 05:11 PM

so i am sitting in my office space in the other room from my bed room and i'm looking at a wall poster and i'm wondering to myself as i look at the other posters there are so many super heros out there yet there are no movies showing a hint of them yeah you can say you are a die hard deadpool fan when you saw him in the wolverine origins movie but what were you before you ever saw him were you a die hard cyclops fan or something i wonder when they are gonna make a New warriors movie so people can start being loners on how they make those heros look cool and then deadpool is old news because humans prefer to see whats shiney and pretend to like one thing to look cool until the next hero fad come out to bad this server dosn't have a TS but i wanna see they make a slapstick movie now he's a funny hero but he is gonna probably be a cgi movie tell me whats your favorite hero and if you say deadpool: because he's bad ass or cool i'll ignor you...

jk jk 



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Application sheenisswedish

06 June 2014 - 11:55 PM

Username / IGN:  sheenisswedish

Name: Christopher Nebeker (Prefer Hermes though)

Age: 20 


Why I want to join SG: I would like to join SG because i dislike (i don't like saying hate that much) playing on servers where kids think its funny when you accept their tp and they blow you and your build up or kill you then claim that you accepted the fight in pvt chat I just wanna play and build in peace but be on a community type server yeah I play in single player and yeah I play on servers that has kids on it but i want a server that has a peaceful side on it (A.E. where adults can be adults with out having to babysit kids on a game and watch what they do) I feel like this server is perfect for the kind of crafter i am.


How long I've been playing minecraft: I have been playing it since it first came out and remember when it was barley known but exploded like a creeper when gamer's started playing but i still remember playing beta 1.0 and feeling like this game was going to stay a great game until kids came on it yeah some are mature but the irritating ones i really don't like.



So I want to join because:

1. i want to play on a adult server.

2. i'm tired of being griefed and raided by kids on PVE servers.

3. i love adult servers and the idea about them.



Some stuff about me now:

My name is Christopher Nebeker and i'm a Geek-of-all-trades i love comics and games i love my dreamcast and my nes i may be 20 but i was raised in an environment with things that were made in the 40's to the 70's and no my parents are not hippies but they are awesome parents that raised me to be mature but still me I have a weird sense of humor but i'm a great guy i play on games that have mutiplayer and sometimes i'll talk but most times i'll stay queit and to my self.



i used this app template from calmy because it was the best type of professional application fo a server like this (I seriously hope that you do not mind.)