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Member Since 14 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 15 2014 07:54 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Favourite Survival Experience

15 June 2014 - 06:34 AM

I, for my part, have a pretty interesting story to tell you guys. To start it off with, let me tell you that I started playing the game in the middle of alpha, exactly 1.2.3_04. It was that one version where the nether didn't work properly. Here is the story. I spawned on the beach of a newly generated world. As soon as the world around me was done generating, I instantly went for the small forest in front of me (btw, I spawned on an island approximately 500 blocks away in every direction from any land). After that, I started building my first wooden hut ever, and probably one of the rare ones. Anyway, as soon as it turned night time, I remembered that I had forgot to find any coal. While trying to find some on the ledge of the cave that was on the island, I learned that the little green things without arms could explode in your face. When I respawned, spiders and skeletons spawn-camped me. So, I had to wait for the night to go away, dying on and off. I lost all of my items at that time around. I had to make myself a new pick, and 10 to 15 seconds later, I found coal. Anyway, let me skip a little of the boring stuff, mainly mining. After three or four hours of digging in a straight boring line, I had managed to find myself a few diamonds, not far from a stack, if I remember correctly. Then, I heard of a placed named the nether, and that it was pretty scary and deadly. So, I made myself full diamond armor, a diamond pick, a diamond sword, a bow with three stacks of arrows and a bunch of torches. I built the portal, I lit it up, then tried to go through. As soon as I was supposed to teleport in there, my game crashed, and my world got corrupted :(. I was very irritated to see all my work on my very first world go to waste.

In Topic: Frequency of map resets?

14 June 2014 - 09:54 AM

My mind just got blown away from reading those revelations!