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Member Since 21 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 31 2014 07:44 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: just another saturday (applicant)

31 July 2014 - 07:43 AM

:) September is coming, and you know what that means. Hockey season is almost here !! There should be some cheep seats for exhibition games in early September so we can check out the new players that just where drafted. mm mm fresh meat. Nothing finer than a nice cup of tea with the game on .


   Back to MC talk.. I rebuilt some of my stuff on another server , not real happy with it , using the default texture pack it's not as impressive as I thought it would be. I purchase a model ship call Revenge (the wooden model kits). The revenge is the ship basically the black pearl was modeled after and actually was quite expensive to purchase . It is an exact replica @ 1:100 scale, so I'm trying to convert the measurements over to MC to get it as close to the original as possible. This is turning into a trying task as the print for the build is like 1 square meter and the conversion I'm using is approx. 3feet to 1 block in MC, not sure if this is working out so well, making everyone 6' tall. Any thoughts on a better conversion scale?? I'm sure it's closer to 5'9" : 2blocks but it's giving me a headache thinking about it . Any thoughts?

In Topic: just another saturday (applicant)

07 July 2014 - 05:10 PM

Hi guys it's Ram  .... I'm over here under the tree hiding from an enderman, and he looks very angry. I think I'll sit here a while and sip my tea. I'll be sending up fireworks soon in an effort to be found. I may have to start baking if I can't play MC soon..... anyone like noodle salad??  I'm an electrician so if you need your house wired maybe I can trade for a vote or two :(. My hobbies now include spamming MC forums, reading better applications than I can write, and staring into space for lengths of time I'm now loosing track of. Maybe if I'm really desperate I will start drinking and watching sports.... but I hate soccer :P. Baseball and hockey should rule the world, the rest are for people that can't play real sports :D. What's your game ??

In Topic: Favorite films?

22 June 2014 - 12:06 PM

Some great movies mentioned for sure, my favorites are mostly the quirky comedy stuff like Monty Python, Space Balls, Princess Bride, even the Black Perl with captain Jack Sparrow.  Here are 10 of my favorites, so many others come to mind.

1. Lord of the Rings

2. E.T.

3. Finding Neverland (almost cried in front of the wife)

4. The Matrix

5. Harry Potter (stop laughing at me)

6. Troy (would have been better without Brad Pit)

7. The Illusionist

8. Close Encounters of the Third Kind

9. Kill Bill (not necessarily the cast just the fight scenes)

10. Ip Man

In Topic: just another saturday (applicant)

21 June 2014 - 01:36 PM

:P Thanx for the quick posts, as for pics of the builds sadly my computer self destructed and I'm now running a replacement. However I can steer you towards one of my fav builders whom I copy on occasion to get a better perspective. Don't know him at all but check out his stuff if you like, YouTube Jeracraft. I plan on upgrading to a high end computer soon, and give the kids this one to wreck ... again.