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Member Since 23 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 25 2014 01:22 PM

Topics I've Started

Connermint's Application (New)

24 June 2014 - 10:47 AM

Hello my name is Conner , i'm 16 and i am looking for a small based community that i could possibly join and even, with you're permission record on. I have already seen how unique SixtyGig is as a server not just because you have had this server open since beta 1.2 but because you have a very talkative, active community still.


I agree with you're rules for example: "No racial, religious or political slurs or any kind" this stand's out to me the most because a simple remark like them kind of slurs can ruin a server and friendships within the server. I think as myself as a non-immature person although young i think that respecting people in community helps and brings people together more meaning that more people feel 'Ok' to talk and people feel open to express with you the stuff they are doing.


I am from the UK or England and are currently living in a small town called Doncaster which i have lived in all of my life. My main hobby is Gaming and my favorite game is of course Minecraft along with such other games as Terraria and Starbound. I have currently been playing Minecraft for about 2-3 years now. I have been playing Minecraft for so long because it is very addictive and i love how it's a 'make you're own fun game' where you can create anything you like as long as it doesn't exceed the height  limit ;).


IGN: Connermint


DOB: 19/10/1997


YouTube Channel:



Thank you for reading


Connermint's Application

23 June 2014 - 02:06 PM

Hello my name is Conner, i'm 16 and i am looking for a small based community that i could possibly join and even, with you're permission record on. I have already seen how unique SixtyGig is as a server not just because you have had this server open since beta 1.2 but because you have a very talkative, active community still.


I agree with you're rules for example: "No racial, religious or political slurs or any kind" this stand's out to me the most because a simple remark like them kind of slurs can ruin a server and friendships within the server. I think as myself as a non-immature person although young i think that respecting people in community helps and brings people together more meaning that more people feel 'Ok' to talk and people feel open to express with you the stuff they are doing.


IGN: Connermint


DOB: 19/10/1997


YouTube Channel:



Thank you for reading.