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Member Since 02 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 08 2014 07:24 AM

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Good Day! I'm New! :]

02 July 2014 - 06:12 AM



Zepharn is my Name. Not my actual Name.

That would be Tim.

I like to be referred to as "Zeph". But you don't have to. I will like you nevertheless.


Currently, I am 18 years  old  young and live in a small country, namely Austria ( - no, not the one with the kangaroos, the one with the alps ... If you've seen "the sound of music" you might have an idea)


In contrary to the typical Austrian stereotype, I do not spend my days wearing leather pants and eating Schnitzel. I rather spend my leisure time by playing video games or doing other geeky stuff like making music, pen & paper, taking part in [semi-]political acts, and yeah.. 


I'm quite interested in anything concerning art, philosphy, and other things people who want to seem intelligent are interested in :)


As per my MC history:


I remember being one of the first people who have bought the game, back then I had a friend who was really into anything the WWW had to offer and he enthusiaticly showed me this newcoolwowsuper game called Minecraft. Since then I have spent many many hours in the blocky world and couldn't satisfy my appetite for building things out of dirt, stone and so on. 


Recently I've discovered how fascinating the mechanics of redstone circuits can be and hope to be shown more cool things to do with it once I'm accepted ^^


I've been part of some communities who featured servers, mostly vanilla, some modded. Without doubt I can say that all of these communities consisted of friendly and open-minded people, still I cannot identify with them due to a lack of social awareness most of them hide behind their smiling faces. 


Browsing through the pages on sixtygig I discovered that this is exactly what I was looking for, people are nice, mature and open to conversation :)




Back to more information about myself:


To give a good overview about my personality and about who I am I made a little FAQ.




I'm fluent in German, English and Internet.


Dog or Cat person?

Definitely Dog person. I have a black poodle. 


Why do you want to join?

Because everything the /about section speaks of, describes the perfect place for me to be.


Favourite colour?






Thus, I hope every question one could ever possibly pose is answered.


I thank you wholeheartedly for reading all of the above and this very line.

