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Member Since 12 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 16 2014 07:17 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Totally not an application or anything

15 July 2014 - 08:41 PM

Hey! I love the doggie :P Long haired chihuahua mixed with a Pomeranian? Sorry, I am not a dog expert, but I am curious.

In Topic: Hello Everyone!

14 July 2014 - 11:42 AM

I havn't yet made a chanimaille shirt, but I have made a lot of tops. (halter tops, bras, etc) There are more orders for those than actual shirts.

My favorite instrument I have played so far would be a tie between the accordion and the bagpipes. I played the viola for 6 years, but it just didn't satisfy me that much.

In Topic: Favorite cartoons growing up, if you can remeber back that far

13 July 2014 - 09:33 AM

I loved Fraggle Rock. I still have it on laser disk too.

In Topic: Hello Everyone!

13 July 2014 - 09:29 AM

I know I love loose leaf tea, but that doesn't mean I would fight under the name of it. xD

In Topic: Hello Everyone!

12 July 2014 - 10:52 PM

The best way to describe all my hobbies would be summed up by asking, what have I not done? :P
I have a deep background in music and have played every instrument I can get my hands on and I enjoy watching videos of other cultural instruments, as well as modern inventions of instruments. My most in-depth hobby would be my history of using CAD software. I used to make games with friends, primarily by being an environment mapper and objects creator. I think it is for that reason I decided to go into engineering technology, which mostly focuses on CAD design, and manufacturing of products.
Since I do so much with my hands, I frequently buy tools for working with wood and acrylic. I do generic woodwork with most of these acquired tools. I make chainmaille, usually jewelry since most people will not order a whole suit. And the last hobby I will write up for now is working with electronics. Since I am a "maker" I rather enjoy making things to do stuff that could be easily done by buying something purpose made, but hey, that would be too easy. I used an Arduino with some electronics and code, and ended up making a RFID door lock for my room, which has been steadily getting upgraded. I also made an ambient-lighting trimboard for my room with RGB LED strips and an Arduino to control the light patterns.
My current project, however, is making a new control lock for the laser engraver/cutter at my college. I am using a Nintendo DS digitizer ontop of an engraved acrylic keypad that (will be) lit up by a neo pixel, and it also will have SD memory storage with a real time clock module to keep track of who uses the laser, for how long, and when. So far, I have the digitizer with it's portion of code done, and I have the accompanying LCD readout screen working and coded. Now I have to learn how to use I2C to code for the real time clock module and SD memory. Mainly I wanted to keep a rough time log on our laser tube so I know how long the current one is being used up before we have to replace it. If anyone can help me learn I2C, please speak up. :P

As for your important question:
I drink dark coffee, almost to the point of being past burned. YET, I also love to drink *LOOSE LEAF* tea. I absolutely HATE tea you make with packets or buy pre-bottled at WalMart. (I love Oolong teas) :P