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Member Since 11 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 17 2015 05:11 PM

Topics I've Started

The (un)official music thread

12 August 2014 - 10:23 PM

Hello, and Welcome to the unofficial music thread. Now I myself love many types of music however often times I feel as though finding good music is becoming a struggle.  Now of course I could listen to the radio, and hear the same 10 songs 1 million times. I would rather not. I have found that recently I have better luck, as well as am exposed to a larger variety of music, by simply asking the "Interwebz". As I am sure that I am not totally by myself  in my endeavor to expand my musical collection, help me, help you, help me. So here is my Short list of some of the more Off the wall music I have.


1) Alestorm- A Scottish metal band who is unique. Think Pirate Metal. These songs are the best to listen to when you are "Commandeering" a ship, Looting Treasure off your fallen enemies, or shanghaiing  others. 


2) The Civil Wars- A soft Alternative Rock band. Very laid back alternative. Both Singers have amazing voices. 


3) The Ink Spots- If you are any sort of a Fallout 3 fan, this group sang the opening song. A vocal group from the 1930's. Amazing voices, Very slow and Easy going.


4) Pretty Much any sort of Vocal Trance


5) Dethklok- This is the band in the animated series metalocolips. Long story this fictional band represents the larger metal community as a whole. Now where capitalism by in large goes against the ideals of Metal.  The music that is made is Absolutely awesome, and  is hands down some of the best songs I know. 


Where there it is folks, that's mine whats yours? 





Also I drink about a pot of coffee a day. So Coffee>Tea

Murdox1221's Application

11 August 2014 - 06:22 AM

In Game Name:Murdox1221
Real Name/Preferred Name: Damian or Dox
Age: 24
Previous Minecraft experience: Good god where do I start on this. Started playing MC about 2.5 years ago, on an SMP server. After a while I became staff and then an Admin (and currently am) for 3 different game modes of this unnamed server.  I have played just about every game mode out there. However now I have limited time, and to be totally honest am tired of the massive amount of staff BS, not being able to play with out drama, and tired of dealing with 14 year old trolls. Rosleen and I used to play on the same server, and I believe there may be a few more of them on here.  I miss the way I used to be able to play, I had fun, and made friends. I am hoping that this community can provide me with the multiplier experience that made me fall in love with this game again. 


Your background: I am a 24 year old man, A father, a Marine Veteran, and a Electrical Engineer. Beyond being known for my beautiful singing voice and sharp looks...Well maybe I lied a bit about that part. =D 


Thats it. I look forward to a reply from your staff team. Thank you.