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Member Since 08 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 16 2017 02:25 PM

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Feedback - Slot Machine Design/Implementation

12 September 2014 - 02:58 PM

Hey folks. I've been working on a design for a slot machine and was hoping I could get some feed back. 


At the moment I've set it up to accept a specific item as input (diamond for now). Any item that doesn't meet the filter's specifications will get parsed out. When the proper item is fed into the system it starts up two linked systems (and also blocks the user from activating the system a second time until the current cycle completes). One of these systems is a facade to serve as an indicator for when the player has won or is close to winning, ie the spinning reels of the slot machine. The second system is a memory circuit. The memory circuit serves to tell the system when the player has won. Which then triggers one of the many prize sequences. Both use regular pistons to push blocks in a square. 


After a predetermined time the reels will stop spinning from left to right to simulate the way a slot machine stops spinning. This creates a semi shuffling effect of the reels, but in my testing I noticed that the pattern repeats every 28 spins. For this reason I incorporated a random function using a bud switch. The random function causes a reel to stutter thereby displacing the pattern by 1 block every time the function activates (each reel has it's own independent random function which has a chance of activating 2-3 times per spin AND noticing the stutter is very, very difficult). Having implemented this random function I have yet to see the initial pattern repeat after 300 spins. More testing is probably needed, but I think over 300 is enough.


Victory is achieved when one or more of the three visual horizontal lines all have the same block. A player will get multiple rewards if there are more than one horizontal lines with full matches. The player is rewarded via a dispenser shoot prizes (diamonds) at them, and I am considering adding in a show of visual and musical appeal for when the very rare jackpot is hit: probably a fireworks sequence, musical number via noteblocks, and a parade of villagers on minecarts. I'm very theatrical. 


If anyone has comments/suggestions or can point out glaring flaws for the design I mentioned above I'd love to hear them. 


The next part I'd like to cover is theme, payment, and prize type. I'd like to keep the prize type and payment type consistent because it means I can just feed the payment directly into the prize payout system, but I am willing to budge on this (at the moment it's just 1 diamond for one play and larger diamond prizes are rewarded for the rarer slot combos). Would you have any suggestions for what the payment and prize types are? I can have as many or as few block types as I want but I think sticking 4-5 would keep things reasonable both from a building stand point and playing standpoint.


The only real consideration I've had for a theme has been a villager oriented theme. I'd use emerald blocks as the grand prize block and then go down from there. Using stained clay for the villager skin tone and the like. Maybe some oak wood since it is such a prominent building material for them, and also hay bales given their love wheat farming. The face of this device will end up being rather tall some 20-30 blocks and will not be housed inside. The mechanics that go on behind the device are rather large so building into a mountain would be the easiest, but I think I might actually prefer the challenge of disguising it all with a more attractive building than a block. Maybe a giant villager laying down on his belly with his mouth open -- inside of which the reels spin, and out of his eyes shoot the prize. 


If you have any ideas for the theme please let me know in as little or as much detail as you'd like. I'd love to hear from you.


Lastly, any thoughts of where something like this should go? I sort of like the desert or mesa: ya know Las Vegas and all. 


If pictures are desired of some of the components I am happy to oblige as I have it all saved up in my creative test realm.




08 September 2014 - 06:18 PM

In Game Name: Moardawts 
Real Name/Preferred Name: Thomas and whatever shortenings you care for: Tom, tomtom, etc.
Age: 25
Previous Minecraft experience: I run a small server for my friends and myself, which I have done for the better part of the last 3-4 years. It falls precisely in line with the goals of SixtyGig: given the rampant instability of most servers and the endless child'ish trolling of their players. Alas, the troubles of bukkit have put us in a somewhat precarious situation, and I think it might be time to submit to a higher power. I run a good ship, but only because I have the tools that allow me to maximize the performance of my server -- worrying about how I'm going to transition effectively to 1.8 is frustrating. I've already read way too many posts about glowstone, sponge, etc. Outlook is grim. Not only that.. but our community is a bit small (8-10 activ'ish players), and I sometimes find myself a somewhat lonely as the king of dust. 
Pretty much my entire minecraft experience has been on the a fore mentioned server from my humble cobblestone beginnings, to an underwater biome (with what seemed like such a masterfully crafted redstone airlock system at the time...), to a thoughtfully crafted inn and it's surrounding homely cottages, to my utopia of redstone contraptions and auto-farms -- the grand city of Dawtstopia, and many, many others. I definitely have come to appreciate my friends' desires to never ever wipe the server. We've had a lot of fun and memories are even better with pictures. 
Community oriented constructions:
*Fully automated subway system connecting the cities and towns of the server
*Chicken shop, automatically trade hard earned iron for heaps of fully cooked chicken
*Gunpowder shop, same concept as above
*Sugarcane shop
*Villager trading post, system for cycling through available villagers to make trades, nearly infinite supply of new villagers to trade with. 
*Contributed to a majority of the redstone projects on the server, mostly gates with some basic logic. But also some considerably more complicated contraptions such as Kookamachi's chicken crusher (which managed to crash the server at least once - bad boy). 
Your background: I am a bit gruff, straightforward, and honest. All at the same time I really enjoy sarcasm and anti-humor. I have had to learn to tone it down though. I had a bit of a mean streak and was lucky to never have been punched in the face.
I probably won't post on the forums much, it's just not my jam. I'm more the laid back and listen/read while sipping-a-beer type. For me being an active member of the community is in assisting with creative direction when requested: "the design is nice, but it's just too friggin' big", "have you considered a nor gate?", "no, no use a bud switch.", etc
I have a BS in genetics and a Masters in Bioinformatics. I work as a research scientist so: facts, discovery, automation, and innovation are sort of my jam. Specifically, I work on plant genomics, nowadays mostly doing high end computational work -- analysis of data. For the super nerdy folks who like computers... I run my software on a 40 core, 512 GB RAM, 10 TB behemoth of a machine which is directly attached to a cluster which I share access to. It has some 400 cores and nearly 10k GB RAM. All to top it off with a 100 Gbit connection. The thought of running a minecraft server on either of these machines hasn't completely passed me by...
I work 9-5 EST and often later into the evening as well. 
I can code in C/C++, java, perl, bash, and I have a fairly strong sense of optimization.
I don't want to be "that guy" who constantly annoys and belittles the admins with suggestions and offers of help. I'm not really sure where all of that mentality comes from, but I think if folks like that knew what it was like to administrate larger scale computational resources; they wouldn't be asking to give up their time so freely. 
I hate over moderation. Anytime I get on a game server and moderators are constantly, publicly calling people out for breaking the rules annoys me. At the very least here there is a vetting system. The bans all looked reasonable and thoughtful. Having rules is nice, having guidelines is better.
Music: Classic Rock, Alternative, Metal, Techno, Rap, Folk, Blues, Jazz, and Pop. 
Food: Pizza, Sushi, Tacos.
The love of my life is a 1 year 3 month and 14 day old Pembroke Welsh Corgi by the name of Toki. He is a fantastic young pup who makes my life ten thousand times better. He hates vacuums, Techno, Rap, Tongs, and Pop. He loves destroying all of his toys. He also sheds everywhere and makes my life a general mess. ^_^
How did I hear about SixtyGig: My friend Schematix, a Dota 2 comrade, mentioned your servers and provided me with a link. He's a pretty stellar dude all things considered, and I have come to admire his positive outlook.