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Member Since 26 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 12 2014 09:18 AM

Topics I've Started

Excitement Overcomming

12 November 2014 - 09:18 AM

I felt the need to share this because it's epic. A new step for humanity with so much to learn. It is beautiful and inspiring to know this great achievement is a reality. 

Philae has landed!  For those interested check out the information. 





Orion. To Mars!

09 October 2014 - 12:15 PM

Send your name to Mars on Orion! 

For those who enjoy the space program and are following Orion I think you'd enjoy this little community support program. Or if you just love everything about space in general


Essentially your name gets stored on a microchip along with other peoples names and it gets sent out on Orion as it performs it's duties and test flights until the final day for it to launch for it's official Mars Mission years from now. Test Launch is due in Dec 14.

Human Augmentation and Space

27 September 2014 - 06:38 AM

So I played through all three Deus Ex games (I won't play The Fall yet. Waiting on critical reviews first.) and I remembered watching a very interesting TED Talk with Hugh Herr explaining about the technology being developed that helps improve peoples lives a great deal. Over the years human progress with not only prosthetic limbs but actual nerve interfaced bio-props have grown a lot. In the next 25-50 years what could we be seeing as humanity reaches to the red planet and beyond?

What do you think? What direction would you like to see humanity as a whole go? Do you think bio-interfaced prosthetic body parts is moral or immoral? If you was a designer, of if you are one, what would you focus on building for people? Do you think human augments could have a place in aeronautics? Could they help future astronauts work better on Mars, asteroids, or on the ISS? And finally, what could it mean for the evolution of human adaptation, the environment, and life as we know it?

MIT Prof.Herr Business Insider Video Demo

TED Talk video.

Third application. May be the charm!

26 September 2014 - 11:14 AM

Hello again Sixty-Gig! Samuel Blantz here yet again. First off just to clear the air I want to explain something.  My first application, and my second I both had to cut short. The first time due to education related stuff, and the second due to I became an admin on another game, and was helping with devs so I wasn't able to give time here. I am now finally free of time and will be able to check around again, despite my somewhat odd schedule in the real world. I still work with one Dev, am actively doing a project in a volunteers workshop, and am a full time parent to a kitty cat. That all being said I hope that this application will be my last here.

Age: 25
MineCraft Name: (Didn't have enough characters for the "cal")  AstronautiFerret

So, what about Mr.Blantz? Well for one I'm a student, not in the format of college but in the format that I am willing to learn and expand. I'm a veteran, ex-activist, and a person who wishes for people to unite under a banner of human progress.  In the past my ideals have changed a lot, based on the information over the years I've read, researched, and learned the hard way of. I think people are strongest as a team, but in the form of team that each person is an individual who is able to pick up the slack of his or her squad member in their areas of lacking, as they shall do the same. Which is exactly what I look for in a gamer community.

I've played MineCraft off and on since it came out. Some on the Xbox, some on the PC, some on the PS3. Now that I am full time with a PC and sold the consoles I simply just play it on PC now. Granted I have not touched it in a while as I basically don't have a reason to play it solo and would rather not join some random server full of people who I would have no idea of how to interact with. Which is why I came back here and decided to give it a shot now that I'll FINALLY be able to give it the time.

I am a supporter of a lot of projects. To name a few, Mars One, Planetary Society, TSC at Wardenclyffe, Raymonds Retro-Game, Take On Mars (Game), Universim (game), and GOALS. If anyone would like links to any of the above I will gladly post them, I won't now as I would prefer to not appear as a spammer. In the future I hope to support Sixty-Gig's MC server as well. In the past year or so that I've visited this site when I had the chance and read through some things on this community I was always impressed with not just how things are handled, but also as a whole of the operation, so I would love to send some support your way.

I do random video's as well as a new YouTube submitter. I recently have a TKM(Take on Mars) video that I'll share if you're in the mood for drunken humor. Speaking of Take On Mars I am active as a helper in game if any of you are a player of that game and require help on the Multiplayer side. I can also assist in Single Player via Steam ( AstronauticalFerret). The same goes for Kerbal Space Program. 

Well that's about all I can think of to say for myself. If you want some extra tid bits then here you go with random stuff.

"I love Pi."

"Mechanical Engineers do it practically."

"It's not pronounced "Your Anus..." it's Ur-awn-us"

"I tried to make a mod. I broke my game..."

"Why are people called Ratchet? A ratchet is a tool with many uses, a hooker on the street only has three uses."

"I will throw you into the box and pretend you're not here, despite knowing you're there."

"Bill Nye oils up my piston..."