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Member Since 12 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 05 2015 12:31 PM

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Application -Char_Gee

12 October 2014 - 12:55 PM

In-game name: Char_Gee


Actual name: Charlotte, Usually I just get called Char… or Charizard, Chargrilled, Charlatan, Chardonnay. You’d be surprised how many Char words people can come up with.


Age: 21


Minecraft experience: I’ve been playing for a glorious four months now, it’s safe to say I’m a little addicted. However, four months isn’t particularly long and so my experience is pretty limited. I stick almost solely to adult servers after a variety of unpleasant experiences with irritating children… I get quite attached to my builds. Anyway, I’m not an awful builder, I’ve dabbled a little in redstone but that’s all. I just want the opportunity to mine and craft in an environment of friendly adults.


About me: I’m not sure how much you want to know really… I’m from the UK, near London and I recently graduated with a degree in Chemistry, I have just started a job as a chemical analyst and so I can’t play as much as I’d like. Too busy trying to be an adult and all that. I’m a huge fan of photography and scuba diving (not sure this is relevant). What else should you know..?

how about some minecraft confessions: I’ve never actually been to The End.

I’ve led creepers into peoples houses.

I can’t bring myself to kill a bunny.

Sometimes I pretend to be a 9 year old boy.

Zombie pigmen still terrify me.

I’m a little tipsy as I write this application.


Anyway, I’d love to be accepted! The community sounds like a great bunch of people and I admire your selection process. Look forward to hearing back from you!