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Member Since 24 Dec 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2015 08:02 AM

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In Topic: Stokest7154 Application

27 December 2014 - 08:06 PM


hahaha yes agreed I do play a bunch of RTS though, starcraft 2 and age of empires 2 mostly and a bunch of others growing up.


Any total war? 


Sadly no lol I've watched friends play though and it seems like a pretty sweet game

In Topic: Stokest7154 Application

26 December 2014 - 10:56 PM

hahaha yes agreed I do play a bunch of RTS though, starcraft 2 and age of empires 2 mostly and a bunch of others growing up.


26 December 2014 - 07:28 PM

Hi there! A cruise boat.. That must get interesting sometimes!

I prefer being addressed by my username (so Blue, BD, Drags, etc. work), because my real name is so odd that you can find me on Google within seconds. I figure I'd better keep it separate for now :P

I have the superpower of being able to fix a computer just by looking at it, and force it to break once I leave the room. It helps to threaten it, but not too much. Job security and all that shizz.

Nice to meet you Blue and yeah definetly some interesting nights on that boat


and lol the same thing happens to me with a program I use for school. I usually curse at it if its not working and it usually helps


26 December 2014 - 01:34 PM

I can fly a toy helicopter with one foot while eating (With a fork) with the other, text someone with my right hand, have a debate on religion and write this with my left hand and only make one spelling mistake.


Multitasking at it's finest. 

Multitasking Level LEGENDARY


haha wish I could one hold a fork with my foot and two be flexible enough to eat with it 


Thanks for the posts so far keep em comming!

In Topic: Stokest7154 Application

26 December 2014 - 08:23 AM

Hahaha never got into playing Dota I had a friend that got me into LoL for a bit but ive heard most Dota players say Lol is a joke haha 


Thanks you very much Tom, haha I think you explained me better than I can explain myself