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Member Since 01 Jan 2015
Offline Last Active Jun 07 2015 03:42 AM

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⊱ _Noobi's Application ⊰

02 January 2015 - 07:20 AM

Hello everyone,


I'm _Noobi, and my real name is Lauri. You could call me Lauri, Late, because I don't like that IGN, very old name too. So, I am from Finland, I'm 16 years old, friendly and helpful player looking for a mature server with great community. Community is very important part to me, and thats why I chose to send application here. I'm not best at English yet, but I try to speak as good as I can.


I have played minecraft from 1.2 Beta, and I have always loved building. I'm pretty good with it. Redstones aren't my thing tho. Only some redstone doors and lamp systems fit me. I found my way to Minecraft when I saw my friend playing it, and asked whats that nice looking game.


So something about my background, like I told I'm from Finland and I'm 16yo, I live in 4 people family with father, mother and little brother who is 13 years old. My mom and dad separated 2 months ago.


I'm very much into computers and information technology, and I built my first computer when I was 11 years old. I like coding too, but I'm not very good at it, yet :)


The other thing I'm into is agriculture, and I'm gonna buy our farm, which is pretty big, 80 hectares field and 130 hectares forest, when I'm 18 and thats maybe going to be my job, or some job from IT. I know there would be much better jobs than farming, because I'm really good in school, but thats the job I like. :P I don't really have any hobbies than work on our farm.


And even more about me, I'm very fast to learn, and I have positive attitude to learn new things.

I like to teach others too, I want be useful if I know something what others doesn't. But I'm not perfect haha, sometimes I don't have any patience and that's why I would get mad. :'D


Now I think theres pretty much about me, feel free to ask if you want to know something, I'll answer to every question. Happy new year, btw :)!