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Member Since 12 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active Mar 12 2015 02:33 AM

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Morchfeyn looking for a MC server to live in

12 February 2015 - 02:58 PM

Good evening.


Oh man, an introduction letter... I am so bad at these. (Would have loved to look at the application archive but the dreaded "You don't have permission.." monster thought otherwise)


Why here:


I am looking for a minecraft server to move to. My friend (Vaelella) applied here a short while ago and told me lots of good things about you and your server. I am mostly looking for a place to tinker in that wont get reset often and has little or no vandalism. Your sales pitch about a community of mature people sounds quite good. I am fortunate in not ever meeting the regular servers of MC and missing all the delightful trolling and griefing they have in store. I especially like the fact that your servers run the vanilla game.


Me and minecraft:


I am a huge fan of micromanagement and working a detail to destructon/perfection. I got the game as a birthday gift (about a year ago) and have played it on and off. I can see myself sinking endless hours into a mountain hideout worrying about the perfect placement of the main hall stairway. I have only played the single player or on a friends server. 




I am a 35 year old stagehand from the frozen north (ie. Finland) I have been on the city theater payroll for a few years now.  My hobbies revolve around breaking and creating things with my hands. I mostly work with wood, leather and metal. I have been a larper for 15+ years. I read a lot, mostly scifi and fantasy. When i was young I drew a lot, now-a-days I draw a bit less as the spark is dimmer. 


What else.. donĀ“t know yet. Ask me anything and I will answer you something. 


- Be well