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Member Since 18 May 2015
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2015 04:20 PM

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Scribz (Formerly Magzter85) - Reapplication

19 May 2015 - 03:37 AM

In Game Name: Scribz (Formerly Magzter85)
Real Name/Preferred Name: Chris
Age: 30
Previous Minecraft experience: Long term intermittent but intense episodes of heartfelt construction projects. Recently I have been ballls to the wall redstoning but that wouldn't see much light on the server (poor thing). I lost all my old game files which really took the motivation from me for some time, hence why I haven't reapplyed sooner  since getting myself a new pc.

Your background: Living in Bristol, UK with my girlfriend. Swing like a pendulum between MC, hearthstone and starcraft 2 (yes its a 3 way pendulum). Like to play a little music on the side and cook yummy food too. My work load has lightened recently and have some neat ideas befitting of a server environment. Would love to rejoin the ranks.