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Member Since 04 Jan 2016
Offline Last Active Feb 11 2016 09:06 AM

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New member application.

04 January 2016 - 12:59 PM

IGN: TheSquirrely01


​I am location in the US, Washington State specifically. I am a casual gamer looking for a mature server to participate in. I have been a member of a lot of different servers many of them shut down now or refreshed erasing all the work I've done.


I am 25 and a father of two with my wife so I play mostly in the evening when the kids sleep.  In all reality I am tired of joining servers with preteens and kids. I just want a little area i can play to survive and not worry about getting raided or grief, with people i can still talk to without worrying if I'm talking to some 10 to 15 something who doesn't know the world beyond their bedroom. 


What I'm ultimately looking for is a server with a small to medium community that is stable and long lasting.


i look forward to your consideration.

