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Member Since 06 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 13 2011 12:35 PM

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Dragnerok_X's Application

06 September 2011 - 07:39 PM

Hello, world!

IGN: Dragnerok_X
Age: 20
Location: beautiful Bend, Oregon

Why I want to join: I discovered Minecraft a good 8 months ago and have been enjoying the single player aspect ever since. However, multiplayer gaming and I tend not to get along very well, mostly due to the fact that a great majority of the players are either immature teens or children, and their immaturity is reflected in the not-so-savory behavior I encounter (teabagging, swearing like a sailor, excessive bragging, etc.). Granted, kids are kids, and should be allowed to play appropriate games like Minecraft online with their friends, it's just that I'd prefer to play with other like-minded adults.

One thing to note: I am a rather devout Catholic and I've already run into a few things I would consider objectionable on this forum (one user's avatar exclaims "A is for Atheism", a fellow applicant began his post by using God's name in vain). I certainly hope that the Minecraft server, while mature, doesn't openly discriminate against religion / promote evangelical atheism, otherwise I'll probably have to stick with minecraft singleplayer / multiplayer with just close friends.

With that aside, I (hopefully) look forward to meeting you all on the server. :)