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Member Since 08 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 08 2012 06:14 PM

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0612's Sixtygig Application!

08 October 2011 - 12:57 AM

Hi everyone! I'd love to join SixtyGig, it seems to be the MineCraft server I'm looking for!

In-Game Name: 0612
Age: 19 (20 in December)
Location: Singapore

Why I want to join:
I believe you'd have heard this story more than once: Servers everywhere are just overrun with kids! The whole lack of maturity anywhere made settling down with a server really difficult. I've actually very nearly settled down on one server, I provided them with quite a bit of help, and they made me admin. What disturbed me was that I seemed to be the only staff member actually worried about greifing. The rest of them would discuss their grandiose building plans while the rest of the server was getting griefed left, right and centre.

The last straw for me was when my hard work around the spawn was removed, just because the staff wanted a fancier spawn. Just like your info page says, I wouldn't trust people like that to prepare a Big Mac!

I'd like to join because I like to mingle, the solo minecraft experience can never be compared to working and building in tandem with other players. I think I'll fit in because I faced the exact same predicament as all you guys, and I can't wait to interact with people who are actually serious about playing and have humanely measurable attention spans!

How I found this server:
I Googled "Mature Minecraft Server", and this result came up on top!

Here's the Catch:
Woah! An extra section!

You see, I actually do have a little bit of a time commitment issue. I'm currently serving (compulsary) army service, and I have to stay over at my camp on weekdays. Hence I'll only be able to come online on weekends. I hope that would not be a problem!

Please do consider my request, I'd love to join the SixtyGig family!

~ 0612