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Member Since 21 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 25 2011 01:31 AM

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Kachilde19: The Application-ing

21 October 2011 - 12:19 PM

Hi all. My name is Kachilde19, and this here is my application for your quite intriguing forum and server.

I'm a 21 year old Architecture student from Perth, Western Australia. I first got into minecraft after stumbling across the minecraft subreddit on, well, reddit and being bombarded with creations, stories and explorations that I wanted to be a part of. One minor credit card transaction later and I was read to roll.
I roamed my new world. mined, built, fought, lived. I didn't give a thought to multiplayer for the first month or two as I was far too busy playing a tiny god in my own little sandbox. Eventually I learned that a few of my friends were avid Minecrafters like myself and they began preaching the joys of multiplayer. They pointed me in the direction of some of the places they frequented, and I prepared myself to face a whole new adventure.

It sucked.

Everywhere I went I found myself fighting the urge to throw my computer across the room to put an end to the constant stream of garbage that the griefers subjected everyone to. Maybe the people who existed on these servers had gotten used to the annoyances, but I would not put myself through that daily for the sake of talking to people I saw in the real world regularly enough. And so began my search for a server to call home. I wanted a place that gave you all the freedom of Single Player Minecraft, with enough of a community presence that it made everything even better. I hope I've found that here. Google hasn't steered me wrong yet... well except for that one time with the horse and that lady- But nevermind that. I'm sure everything will be fine this time.

Just The Facts



Perth, Western Australia

Reason For Application
Looking for a community of like minded minecrafters

Referral to this site
Google (is there anything it can't do?)