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Member Since 29 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 12 2013 08:07 AM

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SixtyGig Application: Marcus_Lite

04 April 2013 - 10:28 AM



So here's the deal - As you can tell I've been a member of your site since 2011, and admittedly I put off applying to the server due to a busy lifestyle. I've also been wrapped up in my own builds in Minecraft SP for far too long. I've been playing minecraft since Beta, I love playing with mods and tekkit, yogbox and adventure maps... but for a server I am willing to adapt to any conditions because I had my own server before. Your service is very impressive. I only had a $16/mo. 512MB server, and I was inexperienced. I got griefed like no tomorrow, so I know how it feels to have kids running around - but I feel I've put off this application for quite some time, not knowing what I'm missing.


Now, that your server seems to be quite dated at 2+ years, I believe you need some new rookies who could help you with clean-up and some new builds. I'm personally a Civil Engineering Student in college, I'm 23, and I love architecture. I believe I am ready to play Minecraft with adults - I'm honestly tired of kid servers, the way they look and operate. Please offer me this priviledge to join your server and I promise to contribute and I hope to make it the full experience I've been looking for.


Thank You,



-Builder, Landscaper