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Member Since 06 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Private

Topics I've Started

Dual Grand Opening: Sixty Beans and Chemist's Cellar

03 July 2012 - 05:40 PM

Resurrected from our old Sixty City location, Sixty Beans coffeehouse is now once again open for business! Come in and enjoy the atmosphere while you sip on our server-famous brews.

Fancy yourself a bit the brewer? Then visit the fully functional Chemist's Cellar located below Sixty Beans (entrance around back). We have all of the functional components necessary for your brewing needs! There are 10 brewing stations, each complete with cauldron and crafting table, a handy reference library, and convenient running water available on site.

The loft above Sixty Beans is available for showings starting July 9th. Eco-friendly glowstone lighting keeps costs low, allowing us to offer this prime apartment for a mere 9g/week (minimum lease 1 yr, subject to membership in good standing and credit approval)

So, I promised I'd do this before I finished the app...

06 January 2012 - 08:52 PM

Hi! I'm apparently the proud owner of the quickest app in SixtyGig history. However, as it often does, my name attracted some bemused attention before I even set metaphorical foot on the forum proper. A little about me, by way of back story, I suppose, first.

Above all things, save possibly books, I am a music fan. It has been known to drive some of my friends a little crazy, given the degree to which I tend to get into particular artists or albums. I can (and often will) listen to a single artist for hours on end. Not abnormal, until you consider that this is sometimes the case even when I only have one album by that artist. That's where the annoying bit comes in. On my early adventures into the internet, when it and I were both fairly young, I had a very obviously childish internet handle. As I got older, I wanted to shed that, and went through loads and loads of music-related handles along the way.

One night, I found there was to be a live Q&A online with The Cure's Robert Smith. At that particular moment in my life, I was beyond the limits of infatuation with the band, so I rushed through my homework and my chores, only to learn with mere minutes to spare, that the handle I'd become accustomed to using was taken, and I had about 8 minutes to come up with a new one. The Cure song I was most in love with at the time was This Twilight Garden, and I have always had a strong affinity to faeries, thus the handle I started using on Yahoo was twilight_garden_faery. Eventually, the name grew on me, so I decided to shift all of my online handles over to it. However, those of you with great and abounding net savvy will probably notice that twilight_garden_faery breaks the rules of naming conventions on many sites, and the character limit on even more. Most importantly in this case, it was too long to be an AIM screenname. I was forced to get creative. This is where that English major-y stuff comes in. Knowing the origin of the name, it should be much clearer that the "y" is meant to be pronounced as a long "i," the "e" is omitted from "garden" because you barely need it to achieve the same pronunciation, and faery is unscathed.

Also, I don't know that Garrik has mentioned this, but he basically plays on a TV. My name has, as you can see, existed since LOOOOOONG before those torrid "novels" that tarnish my favourite part of the day by stealing its name. I'll spare the tirade for once, but suffice to say I am not fond of the writing and violently disapprove of the notion that vampires sparkle. A student on my academic decathlon team during my student teaching wore a shirt one day saying "Then Buffy staked Edward. The End." I have been searching for it ever since. Not actively or vigilantly, but I peep my head into Newbury Comics and Hot Topic on the rare occasion that I find myself in a mall.

All of that said, most of you probably know all the basic stuff about me. I'm a high school English teacher by education, substitute by trade. I read, I knit, I play WoW (and have more level-capped toons than I think I ought to admit in polite company at this point). I've been a member of various online communities since dial-up was still a thing, which is why I took the app/rule-reading process so seriously, despite being all friends-and-family'ed in. I don't tend to think I'm exceptionally interesting, so I have a bit of trouble with these sorts of threads unless I have a story to tell, which makes the unusual username something of a boon.

Oh, and you've probably guessed this by now, I'm admittedly a little wordy at times... ^.^;

Twilytgardnfaery's app

06 January 2012 - 08:23 PM

IGN/local handle - Twilytgardnfaery
I'm 25 years old as of a few days ago \o/ (Yes, I do still find some amusement in birthdays)
Located in Providence, RI.

Hee hee. My reason for joining is to turn GarrikP's zone into rural New Zealand! Or maybe a zone of my own. I'm not altogether decided on that yet, and some of it depends on available space, I suppose. Garrik's been trying to get me into the game since he found it. I'm actually the one that found SixtyGig in the first place; I don't know if he's ever told that story or not. He started off on some small server with way more mods enabled than this one (plugin mods AND moderator mods, thinking about it) and a small population of mildly irritating teenagers. It was okay for a while, til a small band of griefers ran through and burned everything flammable to the ground. His project at the time? Giant tree-house. Needless to say, he was not thrilled, so I spent maybe an hour or so pouring through Google's search results for "adult minecraft server" or something of the like. I was rather relieved I didn't run into anything creepy. Took me a few hits before I found SixtyGig, but the rules and etiquette page looked pretty appealing and community-oriented, so I suggested that he apply. He did, and the rest is history.

Now he's been dragging our WoW friends into the game, too, one of whom has even made his way here (that'd be Wolfsmyth, though I'm sure he's already said that as well). With everyone constantly bubbling in the guild mumble about Minecraft, I started having small ideas about things I'd do; namely my multi-coloured sheep farm. I was quite keen on that when I learned that if you dye a sheep, its wool grows back that colour. DO WANT! Anyway, when Wolfsmyth said in mumble that he'd dug himself a hobbit hole in Limbo, I was like, "THAT'S IT! IMMA MAKE A HOBBIT HOLE!" Because I am an incredible dork and wish to live in a hobbit hole in real life, but that's rather impractical, so this is a better solution.

I suppose my "why I want to join" also sort of covers how I found you all, but being that Botch does not seem to want to take my money as quickly as I want to post this app, I haven't gotten to play around in single player in order to generate anything to screenshot at this time.

Sorry for the big hold up, Garrik tells me I'm keeping people up past their usual log time >.>; Thanks for waiting!